Monday, March 12, 2012

I hope Hussein Obama never comes back to Tucson, we don't need him........|||I was offended by the specter of a pep rally in what was supposed to be a somber event. I think if I had heard mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm going on I probably would have thrown something at the television. I think the mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm would have spoiled the kumbaya moment the Obama machine was artificially trying to create. I hope the Republicans ignore the clarion call for "can't we all get along" "okie dokie".|||It was an embarrassment wasn`t it but I was given a real nice blue T-shirt at the memorial(rally). It says "Together we thrive" straight from Obamas campaign. Isn`t that special.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||I turned it off it looked and sounded like a Obama campaign event,it was disturbing.I would rather remember that horrible day in my own way.With the world watching i cant imagine what they were thinking.|||Obama had his teleprompter!
He is campaigning for 2012. From what I heard all his followers were there to see their messiah!

Its too bad that such a tragedy happened so he could have a platform to perform on!|||what memorial?
By all sounds and appearances, you are right .

It was clearly a campaign rally|||your right if the crowd broke out with the mmmm mmmmm mmmmm BHO
wow and imagine how much of a tingle up their leg they would feel..|||Pep rally? Do you have any sympathy? Just because folks were feeling happy following a tragedy does not mean its a "pep rally." You are offensive.

Really? You have sympathy? So titling a memorial service (which I'll be honest with you, was raucous) a pep rally and putting Tuscon Memorial in quotes is sympathetic to tragedy? I don't think so, buddy!


First, why don't you know what kind of gas mileage you get from your vehicle?
Second, we are not mind readers. Might help us just a teensy bit to know what kind of vehicle you drive.
Third, what route will you be taking? Failed to mention that in your failed attempt at a question.
Fourth, are you aware of FREE mapping programs such as MapQuest, Google Maps, and Yahoo Maps? If yes, then at least you could tell us how many miles you will be covering during your trip.
So, I will make up an answer.
16 mpg and trip will cover 830 miles at an average of $3.60 a gallon.
You will need about $190 to cover the cost of gas. I would have $225 available just in case.|||Depends on your route length in miles, travelling conditions, type of vehicle you drive and it's running condition, and of course, gas prices|||about an arm, a leg, and a left nut nowadays.


On Meet the Press, NBC only mentioned that book by name, but the Communist Manifesto or any other. Is that because of NBC's clear-cut left-wing agenda, or just some highly coincidental oversight?
NBC is probably too stupid to even know that Mein Kampf is also far left-wing, not right-wing as the liberal-biased media would have us believe.|||Wow. Everybody in the WHOLE F**KING WORLD (i.e Outside America) KNOWS Mein Kampf is a right-wing book, writtern by a right-wing, Fascist, Nazi, white supremacist idiot.

What's wrong with you people? You cons are really proving the "Americans are dumb" theory that the rest of the world has about you! GROW A BRAIN.|||PROBABLY because he also had a copy of Ayn Rand's "We The People" on his list as well, which if you knew anything about political writing, (which you clearly don't by the way), you would know is about as Anti-communist as it gets, which makes speculating on him being a communist absolutely pointless.

Also, Hitler was a Fascist, get your sh*t straight. Just because his party had Socialist in the name doesn't mean it operated under Socialist terms of Government, which include the Social Contract and complete equality among all peoples, along with freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression, which were all things that Hitler Clearly and Blatantly reneged on.

He ran a FASCIST, yes, that's FASCIST Dictatorship. Don't believe me? Crack open some Thomas Hobbes, Some Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, or even Jefferson himself, and read about Political history, before you open your mouth and spew the crap that's been spouted by Glenn Beck over again. You'll learn a hell of a lot more that way.|||Maybe you didn't know that book was part of Racial supremacy theory which Hitler ran his platform for his government. This book is neither left wing or Right Wing It is Racist, Anti Zionist, an Anti- anyone whose not White. Maybe these nuts on yahoo who try an use it any other way an say it's liberal or conservative need to go back to school. Seriously the uneducated who followed the Heroin Addict Hitler an these on yahoo who uses politics for evil are same bunch.|||The media only cares about private business industry - and the bottom line which is profit .
A very right Wing attitude .
No You are stupid ( lack education ) to think that Mien Kampf is any thing but ultra right wing .
Nice try at the twist and spin though.|||I've read and own copies of both of those books.
They sit on my shelf right next to The Conscience of a Conservative, Steal This Book, The Satanic Bible, Leviathan and Harry Potter.
Does this make me a psychotic killer?|||Mein Kampf is far left wing?
You dazzled everyone with your ignorance on that one.
Would you call the Mein Kampf reading neo-Nazi or the skinheads in the US as 'far left wing'?
Get a clue.|||Because mentioning Alice in Wonderland was a little too gay for their storyline.|||They did it on purpose to make the shooter look like a right winger.|||hitler actually believed the third reich was in the christian god (yhwh's) plan for him|||...when you say it a bunch of times, it makes your nose tickle...

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  • I want to get a tattoo, and i have heard of a few places but I want to know what place has the most talent and produce something that I will be content with having on my body the rest of my life.|||Your arm or the other arm.|||I cant tell you where the best place is, no-one can. The only one who knows the answer to that is you. You need to go and visit a bunch of these tattoo parlors and talk to the staff there. See how they operate and what the "atmosphere" is like. What suits me might be awful for you, so you need to find a place that feels right for you. The staff in these stores see people come in and out asking questions all day and the good places wont mind taking the time to answer them for you. They always have picture albums of the work they have done and you're allowed to browse through them as long as you like. These people are professionals and understand that getting a good tattoo is an important choice. Its all about going where you are comfortable. The main thing you want to watch out for is that they follow the industry guidelines on hygiene and that they use new needles for every customer.|||The nearest tattoo parlor.


    I want to get a tattoo, and i have heard of a few places but I want to know what place has the most talent and produce something that I will be content with having on my body the rest of my life.|||Your arm or the other arm.|||I cant tell you where the best place is, no-one can. The only one who knows the answer to that is you. You need to go and visit a bunch of these tattoo parlors and talk to the staff there. See how they operate and what the "atmosphere" is like. What suits me might be awful for you, so you need to find a place that feels right for you. The staff in these stores see people come in and out asking questions all day and the good places wont mind taking the time to answer them for you. They always have picture albums of the work they have done and you're allowed to browse through them as long as you like. These people are professionals and understand that getting a good tattoo is an important choice. Its all about going where you are comfortable. The main thing you want to watch out for is that they follow the industry guidelines on hygiene and that they use new needles for every customer.|||The nearest tattoo parlor.


    I have a long sleeved formal men's dress shirt I need to get altered to fit me by this Friday 9/11. Where can I go to get it altered? Preferably somewhere CHEAP. Sears? JC Penney? Dillard's?|||
    I think you are looking for it.


    How long will it take by local train from Phoenix to the Tucson or bus?|||LOL,..sorry but there is no local train or bus that goes between Tucson and Phoenix :( You really do need a car out here.
    By Car it's just around a 2 hour drive between the 2 depending on freeway construction if you run into that then it will take well over 2 hours. It's 125 miles mostly to the north of here.
    The only train is freight, the folks out here have a phobia with public transportation unfortunately.
    So rent a car or fly.

    There is a Greyhound, not widely used and not very good!!!|||:) Thanks Have a good trip

    Report Abuse

    |||There is no rail service between Phoenix and Tucson, and a bus will take about 2 hours. It's roughly 100 miles between the two cities.|||Greyhound bus to Tucson takes about 2 1/2 hours considering a few stops!|||There's no train, but a bus ride will take between 1.5 to 2 hours, depending upon how often it stops.|||no train but bus will take 2 hours cause its about 120 miles


    Just wondering, since I hear that the city is real spread out with a lot of desert still preserved is there a problem with animals?|||The areas inside Tucson, no. The areas around Tucson yes. The problem with animals is people are stupid when it comes to wild life. They leave food out for a cute little cat, the cat eats their dog because it was a bobcat. They will leave us alone if we leave them alone.|||There are issues everywhere throughout the city, moreso in the fringes. Bobcats and javelinas are the biggest problems in the suburban desert areas as far as domestic pets being hurt or killed, but the area to the north also has problems with mountain lions.
    But, inside the city, if you're close to a wash, your pets are also in danger. Coyotes and javelinas are well known to travel along these to pass the development and remain unseen. I've personally seen a coyote in Arroyo Chico, only a couple of miles from Downtown Tucson. If you have a little dog or cat, they will eat them without much hesitation.
    The same goes for the rattlesnakes within the washes. With snakes, wherever there are rodents, that's where they will be.

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  • 2005 hyundai tucson, kind of sputters when starting from a complete stop, no engine light on, runs fine otherwise, i noticed when i let off the brake for a couple seconds then step on gas, it's not as bad, but if i go straight from brake to gas, doesn't want to go. Also, the colder it is, the worse it is. Any ideas what may be wrong? I have tried dry gas, fuel injector cleaner, and checked transmission fluid, which was fine.|||sounds like your brakes are sticking
    have them checked out


    I am looking for things to do in Tucson, Arizona. I am young and free... New to the area. Can anyone help guide me on things to do?|||after living in arizona for six years I can tell you this. "free" is only a word.
    Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
    Its not fun but its interesting some of the things you'll see in the gift shop.
    There really isn't anything in Arizona.. period. The only thing I ever looked forward to was when sun splash opened and when the electric light parade started.
    Hey! that should be coming up soon... or maybe it already happened?
    I'm really sorry, but if you want "fun" your gonna have to move pheonix.
    Small piece of advice. the further you get from tucson and arizona city, the better!
    You will soon discover that there is a healthy [pardon the language] crack head population those areas and your neighbors know someone who was robbed just last month. Stay safe and remember one thing.
    You are allowed to carry a knife that is under 3.8inches and (if you have the permit) to publicly display firearms.
    If you need to move ASAP Casa Grande is the place to be. Its calm and work is readily available.
    avoid Coolidge and Arapaho County if you can. Bad places. You should definitely check out Globe if you get the chance. The roads will absolutely blow you mind! especially the one by the middle school.
    okay sorry about that rant here's something actually useful鈥?/a>
    I would recommend the Tucson Botanical Gardens
    There is some super freaky stuff in that place.
    Trust me, its not what you'd think it to be.


    I need a haircut and was wondering to get it. I want a tapper haircut and a line up all around.|||Any Hair salon.


    2005 hyundai tucson, kind of sputters when starting from a complete stop, no engine light on, runs fine otherwise, i noticed when i let off the brake for a couple seconds then step on gas, it's not as bad, but if i go straight from brake to gas, doesn't want to go. Also, the colder it is, the worse it is. Any ideas what may be wrong? I have tried dry gas, fuel injector cleaner, and checked transmission fluid, which was fine.|||I had a '05 Tucson - I did not have that problem.
    It dosen't sound mechanical, sounds like a fuel problem(?)
    Try a few tank fulls of high test(?)
    And/or a tune up (new plugs and wires)(?)

    (I now have a ''11 Tucson!! 4 cyl)


    I've tried to find if a friend of mine really died but all I get are websites that want to charge for a service I think I could find out for nothing. The reason I'm trying to verify this is this person scammed a lot of money from realatives & if they're deceased then I will try to find out where the money ended up.|||go to this link鈥?/a> and you can search by name|||Go to the news paper site for that area and they should have a search function under Obituarys.|||You can prove your friend died at the Social Security Death Index. But if you're planning to intervene on a money problem, be careful. The Probate Courts have a real problem with people investigating the money of dead people and the police have a bigger problem with do-it-yourself private investigators contacting the families of dead people. You can get in serious trouble.|||try the social security death index

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  • Was Obama holding the "Applause" sign? Why do they blame Obama for Americans loving him soo much that they can't control their cheers? He wasn't asking them to make noise!

    Is it jealousy? or are they angry because they found out that Fox News lied to them?|||They're blaming him because they know that fomenting anger and hatred is the only tool they had for making electoral gains in November. They're not going to let go of that, regardless of the greater cost.|||They are showing their true colors. If anyone had any doubts about the intellect of conservatives, they shouldn't have it now.

    The event was not a memorial service or funeral. If the people of Tucson felt a sense of solidarity and wanted to cheer the President, why should he tell them to shut up? It was their event.

    The world is getting to see how desprate they are to find reasons to blame Obama for everything.

    People often cheer a popular president. In spite of their hatred, Obama is a popular president. The eight years of Bush has gone down in history as a failed presidency.
    They can't stand it.

    I once farted at a Bush rally, is that Bush's fault?|||I think the president did fine. The crowd needed to realize this was a memorial for the people killed by the wacko and have a little more respect. I also had a problem with the people who actually stopped the gunman not being up front, seems funny to me the only person up front that was at the incident was the guy who helped the congresswoman. Seems like they keep focusing on her, she was not the only victim.|||He did nothing to discourage it.

    It was going on from the beginning, before he was even the speaker.

    Clearly the crowd had been warmed up by the community organizers before the event even started.

    Please, this was no accident. It was planned this way.|||Um.. We aren't. At least I am not. But jeez why do you keep stirring the pot in this political section about the Arizona Tragedy.
    You are just making yourself look as bad as those conservatives that are doing that.|||OK
    So exactly WHO was "in charge" at the rally?
    On the one hand, the left proclaims Obama as a great leader. Then, on the other hand, he cannot control a little crowd of his supporters.|||He is suppose to be the leader of the free world, right? Why not simply say, "Let's keep in mind this is a memorial service" or "Please hold your applause until the end", something like that would have worked.|||What did the world leader with the microphone do to stop it?

    Could he have said, "No applause for me, please"?
    Maybe not because it wasn't on the teleprompter.|||I don't know, but as a conservative, I disagree with them.

    By the way, Greasy Tony's is a Tucson restaurant chain, quite coincidentally.|||The Democrats love to hold a pep rally at memorials services. They can only get approval from the audiences if it is a tragedy.|||You think this wasn't a staged affair with preplanned "spontaneous" applause and unseemly cheering at a funeral memorial?|||Interesting enough apparently for them that's shameful...|||Who's idea was the beer?|||What did he do to tone it down?


    Not any super teams like Real Madrid and Man U. but a team in the MLS or in Europe|||Hi,
    The scouters will have to watch the league and look for impressive talents.|||It would be good that you play for the best team in your local area. Scouts may come and spot you.
    You could also try to upload some of your football skills on YouTube and gain fame, some big teams may be impressed and invite for a trial.


    They all look the same to me and obviously the size might be the important difference? But that's why I'm asking. What's the best year? I don't need a new one.... used is fine.|||Well, Hyundai Tuscon is the entry level of the SUV line up at Hyundai, its most compact of all, and has the best fuel coumptions but probably lack some features than the Santa fe and Veracuruz.. It is usually for the younger customers.
    If you were to buy the Tuscon i recommend the 2007~ present year, as this car came in 2006 or 05, it fixed many of things from it.

    The Sante Fe is the middle SUV in the line up of SUV at Hyundai. It is probably the most popular SUV. It has the practicality as well as the luxeries you need and price is good too. Performance is competitive compared toward other SUVs such as Ford Escape. Leather interior 6 disc changer 4 wd you name it, this car got it.
    If you were to buy Santa Fe, I recommend you getting the newly redisgned model...
    from 06 to present.

    Now the Veracruz is the top of the models of suv at Hyundai... It is like Lexus 350 (SUV) but with Hyundai Logo. It's got everything you need!!! IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY FOR INSURANCE, CAR, FUEL, THIS IS THE BEST ..... ANY YEAR IS GOOD.|||size and grade.

    for exmaple,

    Tucson = Hyundai's BMW 3 series

    Santa Fe = Hyundai's BMW 5 series

    Veracruz = Hyundai's BMW 7 series|||鈥?/a>


    I can't find any numbers and I don't want to call the cops. Does anyone know where I can call?|||I actually had a problem with my neighbor he would play loud music every sunday into monday morning. I have to go to work and my kids have school but he did not care. I spoke to him once and he still did it. So a few weeks ago I called the police and told them about it and the operator could literally hear the music over the phone. So they sent some one over and it took them over 30 minutes of knocking and ringing the bell before he came to the door. They were going to break it in when he opened. After they spoke to him they came to my house and was asking if I wanted to file a complaint I did not but if you need to call the local police department and ask them the procedure for your city and state. But they may have to have it on record that a cop has spoken to them not just your word against their word|||Call police non-emergency. It is a police matter. It's disturbing the peace.|||You will have to call the cops but make sure you call the non emergency number. If you live in an apt. complex contact the manager. It is all confidential.


    I watched his show and I was really impressed by how welll he handled the tragedy. I usually don't agree with him, I am more right of center. However, I think he handled this very well.|||Not just you. I watched with some friends I'm vacationing with. This group is all over the board politically. All were moved by his words. One part that struck me was how he called bs to direct linkage of the current uncivil rhetoric to the attack even though he hates that behaviour.|||The problem is he only sympathies based on the shooting victim's party affiliation.

    Remember this:
    Jon Stewart - Dick Cheney Hunting Accident

    What a hypocrite.

    Report Abuse

    |||Well Its not you jon stewart handle this story like a true professional I mean all the joking is set aside after all the violence has accrued I mean jon stewart no wonder he Is compared to edward r murrow and walter cronkite telling It like It Is and getting people Informed and have a sense of understanding and acceptance Is very Important today glad jon stewart knows about the truth and cares about people.|||Jon Stewart rocks. He classy, intelligent, mature, reasonable and compassionate.|||He is supposed to be the news satire show. Unfortunately, the network shows are the real circus.|||He usually is more reasonable than the rest of the liberal media, which is sad.|||I dont like clowns so I dont watch colbert or stewart. If I need a laugh I'll watch Obama speak without a teleprompter|||Thats because John Stewart is more tolerant and not quick to jump to conclusions than most liberals|||It was just you. He is someone that most know that he is only doing things for a laugh and nothing more.|||nothing like a comedian to get your tragic news from.|||he has so much class. i didn't expect any less from him :) it's so refreshing to hear reasonable people amidst this chaos.

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  • I am looking for info on a car dealership in the mid 70's in Tucson Arizona
    Randell Motors ?|||Try going to city hall. Somebody in the clerk's office may help you.


    My husband is going on a very long hike and is wanting to find a walking stick. I have no idea where to get one. I called Academy and they do not carry them.

    We are new to the area and don't really know where to look.|||I personally am not too fond of commercial "walking sticks". Usually, they are too flimsy for extended use.

    Your best bet is the local lumberyard or a hardware store that carries "dowels", or "doweling". You'll want something along the line of one-inch doweling, about five feet in length.

    You'll also need some medium-grit and fine-grit sandpaper, in order to finish the dowel properly. Simply sand down any rough spots until it is smooth. (Do try and pick one that has minimal rough spots.) <g>

    Then, apply some preservative -- Tung Oil or Boiled linseed oil is best. (I lean towards "Formby's" brand Tung Oil, but that's me.) Apply the oil liberally, and let it soak in for about a day. Re-sand any areas which swelled out.

    Apply another coat, wait a day, and sand again. Apply some more -- you want the oil to soak deep into the wood.

    My stick has seen about two year's of usage, with hardly any damage.


    Gaucho|||I order stuff from these people for everything, they also offer walking sticks/shafts.


    Don't Educated Democrats realize that, you can't hunt Moose in Arizona, since Moose were hunted into extinction by the Spanish Conquistadors when they invaded Arizona. I'll bet you a Six Pack of Burritos that you can not find one Moose Burger on the Grill in High Society Scottsdale with it's Democrat Doctors, Lawyers and Journalists.|||Because liberals can't get anything else on her besides posting her body on a bikini model and having Tina Fey do impersonations of her so they need to bring in the storyteller..|||Recently, Palin claimed that Giffords and several other Democrats were in her rifle crosshair. To civilians who have a tendency to take the law in their own hands, this comment was basically an approval to 'take them down', by any means necessary.

    Report Abuse

    |||As far as I know, he was not a liberal or conservative. I personally believe sarah is being tied to it though because she claimed Gabby was on her "list of targets" which is quite vague, but she is also one of the Republicans that strongly supports people enacting their 2nd amendment rights to "take back what's theirs." Some guy also posted on Sarah's fb yesterday saying "GOOD JOB! THAT JEWISH, PROGRESSIVE, PRO ABORTION, PRO IMMIGRATION LIBERAL DESERVED TO DIE! THANK YOU FOR SHOWING US THE WAY! ONLY A FEW MORE TO GO." So, yeah. I'm sure this guy doesn't speak for Sarah personally, but that's one way for your OWN party to involve you in something you may have no connection with whatsoever. Others also believe that the drama the Tea Party (which is backed by Sarah) has enticed so much resentment for the government. So really, Gabby could've been anyone if yo think about it, because from what I've read, this guy was a radical. And no, just because he was opposed to certain princples, that doesn't make him a liberal. I don't think he was on either side of the fence to be honest. Btw, I'm a liberal. But I don't believe in blaming anybody but the person who did this horrific crime for now. It's disgusting how people jump to conclusions.|||Cmon, banjo boy...Palin is a 'dictator' to the ignorant. She is playing out the role of a feminine Hitler.
    Tells people what they should think, how they should act and "under a blanket"--who they should get rid of.
    We need to get rid of her!|||The problem is that Palin's website had pictures of the woman who was shot, plus 19 other democrats, in rifle crosshairs. Palin said they were targets.

    The website has since been changed.|||"Moose were hunted into extinction by the Spanish Conquistadors"

    If that's the case how did Sarah Palin recently shoot an animal that has been extinct for four centuries?

    Troll.|||Not just her but her and her North Korean friends . She doesn't understand what she is talking about half the time she only can read the Dollar sighs $$$$$$$$$ .|||She is scum. BANJO BOY you are a Canadian BYOB


    I need new tires and would like to know which ones have worked for others with a similar vehicle.|||Good tires are not vehicle specific. But best tires are always going to be Michelins. For a small suv like yours take a look at the latitude tour's and ms2's. The ms2's are usually for bigger cars but both are great. Lats have. 65k warranty and ms's have a 70k.
    Ofcourse not everyone can afford mich tires but goodyears, bridgestones and contis are always good too.|||I disagree about the Michelins but advertising makes up for a poor product. I just had to replace a set of Michelins with only 29,000 miles on them because they were all coming apart.
    Yes to all you doubters, I take careful care of my tires, never let the pressures get low and I'm a careful driver

    The tires that come on most Hyundais are Hankooks, made in South Korea, and probably the best tires available today.


    I live in Tucson, AZ and we have been TTC for some time now we are looking into the IUI procedure. I want to know how much did it cost to do a IUI procedure in Tucson, AZ and if any of you would recomend Doctors or let me know where you went. Thanks|||im not from arizona but, you will more than likely need to be referred by your OB/GYN to an infertility specialist.
    you will need to call around and ask

    it can cost a couple of thousand dollars.

    my sister has had a few IUI procedures, but her insurance covered everything. they didnt have to pay at all. they ended up not working.

    IUI's only have a 20% success rate. the same rate as regular TTC'ers.

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  • I am going there for college and would like to know of some places I can go eat. I like spicy Mexican food, as well as pizza. Also, if you could give an address and a little review or what not. Thank you.|||Texas Road House
    170 S. Wilmot Road
    Tucson, AZ 85710
    Phone: 520-514-7427
    Fax: 520-514-5425

    They have the best steaks , I have ever tasted!!


    Like free weights, bench.... I've looked online with no luck.|||Yes, here you go:

    Arizona Health
    6245 E 22nd St
    Tucson, AZ 85711-5230
    (520) 790-5377
    They sell commercial and residential service.

    Southwest Fitness Products
    2653 W Violet Ave
    Tucson, AZ 85705-1938
    (520) 791-9935
    This place has commercial service.

    Have fun working out!


    I live in the Phoenix area and my '91 Acura Integra just failed the pressure test part of the e-check. Everything else passed.

    I'm in the process of saving for a newer car, so I'm trying not to put additional money into it outside of normal maintenance.

    I know that the Tuscon testing did not do a pressure test a couple years ago, but I'm not sure if that's still the case.

    Can anyone verify? I'd rather drive a couple hours than put hundreds into a car that isn't worth that much.|||In California the type test done on the car is dependent upon where the car is Registered (Garaged) so no matter where you go in the state the test is the same. In CA the EVAP (Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test) is done on ALL cars that require (95 and older) it no matter where they go for a smog check/test/inspection. (EVAP test is 1/2 psi Nitrogen in the gas tank with the Evap Canister blocked off...testing for leaks in the system that are bigger then .040" your OBDII systems are supposed to do)

    Lets see. 4 hours of driving $.$$ in fuel....four hours of your time......
    $85.0 to diagnose the problem.....$5.00 for a new rubber hose... which way do you go

    How about this. Check Tuscon CA.... choose a 5* location AND CALL THEM|||about the only thing that i see that would have a pressure test would be the gas cap. i had to replace mine a few years ago for that very reason.


    Don't listen to the other three answers. Sure you could get in a collision purposefully but that would increase your insurance which is something you don't want to do. Also you could seriously injure yourself or someone else in the process.

    If you want to check if your vehicle has a faulty airbag, you can take it to your local Toyota dealership. Toyota is the manufacturer of your vehicle right? Well since they manufactured it then that means they would be able to test your airbag system. Take it to your Toyota dealership and have them take a look.|||crash your car duh|||The only way to really know is in a collision.

    j|||Run in to something|||You can have the vehicles computers scan to see if all of the components are working for the airbags and also all vehicles will do a self test at start up..........the airbag light or srs light will come on for 3 to 5 seconds and then go off and this is telling you that all is okay.....|||In addition to what UCANTCME said, if you're really that worried, you can have the sensors checked for electrical signal.

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  • i want to go to an upcoming concert (silverstein) but im not sure where to buy the tickets at and i dont want to purchase them online.|||Usually the venue will have a website that you can go to and get the phone number so that you can call and purchase the tickets over the phone or if there is a box office that handles several events you may be able to go in person prior to the event to purchase tickets.|||If u get to the venue early there are usually people selling tix but you gotta take your chances


    if you can rate it from 1-10 how will you rate it . i'm interested in buying a car which should be affordable i like hyundai tucson but i have no idea about it quality and comfort and safety for my kids can anyone advise pls . thanks a lot|||I know a few people that have bought new ones and they like them very much.They look pretty good to me and i guess i would rare them a 7-8 out of 10. Hyundai have come along way!!


    Tthe leader of Westboro Baptist Church, an anti-gay Kansas-based church best known for picketing the funerals of slain U.S. soldiers and gay-pride gatherings, said its members will picket the funerals of the 9-year-old girl and five others killed in Saturday's attack. In a video, Fred Phelps says God sent the shooter to avenge the nation's sins.
    "Thank God for the violent shooter," Phelps proclaims.
    "We will remind the living that you can still repent and obey. This is ultimatum time with God."

    Sounds like a typical fundamentalist Christian.|||I am a Born Again Christian and I was raised Baptist and I am ashamed of them.

    I don't think they bless God and I don't believe God will bless them.

    In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they are receiving money from people who hate Christians because they paint Christians in such a poor light.|||You're assuming that Phelps and his ilk are Christian, and they are most certainly not.

    Christ preached unconditional love and tolerance. He was a friend to sinners and came to the rescue of the alduterous woman rather than stone her to death as the Pharisees would have liked to have seen. In fact, Phelps is the very Pharisees who crucified Christ because of his message of love and acceptance.

    As scripture quotes, those who praise His name and yet commit none of His words to their life will be told that He does not know them when they meet the Lord. They will be cast into a firey pit for eternity. I can only imagine Phelps and his so-called church will be made to face such a punishment.

    Phelps is just a tool of the devil himself and the dumbass doesn't even know it.|||Fred Phelps is most definitely not a Christian he doesn't know the meaning of the word. It is not his position to make any judgments that's God's job. God says we are to love one another like you would love you neighbor or your brother. Not to hate people. God hates no one he loves everyone but hates the sin.
    Fred Phelps lives a life of sin and hatred. I actually feel sorry for him, he wasted his whole life hating and sinning an thinking he accomplished something.|||Some of my family is Catholic and I find Fred Phelps and his entire family that are still members of Westboro Baptist Church to be the most hateful people in the country. God does not send shooters and I would not be the least bit shocked when the entire Westboro Baptist Church gets cast into the lake of fire for eternity.|||I'm a Christian. I don't consider Phelps a Christian as he lives a life of hatred and bigotry. Christians are supposed to love their neighbors and accept them.

    He's just serving his own agenda, trying to say he's carrying out God's will.|||To call Phelps a Christian is to call a dog a deer....they aren't the same|||disband them.


    I want to see it before I buy it and be able to return it if there is a problem.|||There aren't any authorized Viewsat dealers in Arizona, let alone Tucson. Most reputable online retailers have a return policy of some sort but you'll still be out the shipping. You could always sell it on eBay too.

    EDIT: Brick and mortar stores which sell FTA gear are kind of hard to come by. Personally, we're lucky to have one two hours away from here. I'm sure you could care less whether they're authorized or unauthorized but put it this way. If they're not authorized then Viewsat isn't shipping their product to them. How would a retailer keep a good stock for Viewsat products if they weren't getting them direct from the manufacturer? I guess a pawn shop would be an option. They're someone who wouldn't be authorized which may have one and would take returns.... There are FTA B&M stores in Nevada so if you're up for a road trip you could go over there to check one out in person. I wish I could give you a good analogy that you'd understand. For me, FTA is like ham radio gear. Ham radio stores aren't exactly on every street corner. Many states or provinces don't have a single one. That leaves the rest of us up to buying things sight unseen and based on what we read on the internet and what other people tell us about the product. FTA just isn't popular enough to justify a B&M store everywhere. Places where there are HUGE first generation immigrant populations from countries which speak languages not served by local television will have an FTA place. If Tucson fits the bill, perhaps some entrepreneurial person will set one up there someday but as it stands right now, you're probably not going to find a new Viewsat anything in town. You can try Craigslist or and see if someone local will let you try theirs out before you buy one.


    I mean, I've received like 50 emails regarding the recovery of the Senator and all the various stories of mental issues the shooter had (because shooters ALWAYS have issues...), so I was wondering, is there some reason behind the media's harping on this? Gun control? I have no idea...|||It's called Domestic Terrorism! They should focus on the victims and not the jerk who did it. Maybe if the idiots didn't get so much attention, there wouldn't be so many of them doing things.|||!st of all, she was not a senator. She is a congresswoman. It is always news when someone in the news is hurt. Just look at all of the attention over the death of the bleached pervert a year or so ago. this is more important than that. This woman was trying to do good not hide in wonderland and chase boys.|||It's a shooting. People have died. When this happens in a society, isn't that significant? Or doesn't it matter?|||Because the news cannot find anything better to report on, so they linger on this.|||Could it be that a Federal Judge was killed and a member of Congress was wounded? Just a guess...|||.

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  • I am a 26 yr old mother of 3, and after years of being misdiagnosed with all different types of back problems, they found i have degenerative disc disease, my doctor referred my to see Dr.Farr in tucson, and was wondering if anyone else has seen him.|||I have not seen this doctor but there is a website called that you can visit and people can rate their personal experience with doctors.


    It was an OK speech. About as good of a speech that a politician can generate though it seemed more like a pep rally than a mournful speech to me. I mean why the heck would people cheer at a memorial service?|||Just another campaign speech to liberal college students !|||Those who would mock a memorial remind us of Reverend Phelps.

    The people of Arizona have a lot of steam to blow off after this terrible tragedy. Every memorial service I've attended has had some laughter, and several had some applause.

    Obama鈥檚 speech was magnificent, and prominent Republican leaders loved it:

    McCain Praises Obama鈥檚 Memorial Service Speech鈥?/a>

    Huckabee Praises Obama for "Easily His Best Speech"鈥?/a>

    Glenn Beck Praises Obama for Tucson speech鈥?/a>

    Obama's Speech Wins Over Critics鈥?(including Gingrich, Pawlenty)鈥?/a>

    Obama earns a country's praise鈥?br>鈥?/a>

    ##|||I'm a Tucson resident and I went to the memorial service. After the incident on Saturday, our city has been gloomy and mournful. We cannot believe that this happened in our own back yard. The speeches is what we really needed to pick ourselves up again. What they said motivated us and helped us pick up the pieces. This is why he cheered. Why did the service have to be sad? We need to heal, and we're not going to if we are going to keep our heads down and think of the negative

    -maybe you feel like this because you're not from tucson? it's really different when it happens to your own city. I mean if it happened to your's and I watched it on T.V with all the cheering I would be upset, but I can't understand how the city feels because it wouldn't be mine.|||I honestly didn't watch it. But given his presence and considering his notable absence from the memorial at Ft. Hood, I can't help but wonder if maybe we're witnessing a massive step forward in Social Darwinism. On second thought, it just strikes me as a photo op and a little premature campaigning.|||He is still on the campaign trail. He talked about civility after saying during one of his speeches if they bring a knife we will bring a gun. He and the Liberals will milk this disaster for everything it's worth.|||i thought it was good. If you ask me the people shouldn't have clapped either, but what are they gonna do about it.... and after all, maybe that's what Tucson needs, something to pep themselves back up|||I thought he looked pretty upset about everything that had happened. It actually felt like he didnt want to speak about it (as it was upsetting).|||He should have taken a lesson from past memorial services.|||I will have to agree with you on Obama's Speech. It did seem like a pep rally for a high school football team!!



    Most Arizonans already wanted Obama to head back to Berlin. After this latest Democrat Fiasco, Obama need not return to the Wild Wild West State of Tombstone and the Boothill Cemetery. Obama also did not mention the 2 Border Patrol Agents who have been Murdered by Illegal Alien Gang bangers from Mexico in Arizona.|||I agree. Can you imagine seeing people wearing t-shirts with the name of your deceased relative on the back as a constant reminder?|||Count the lies, folks. This is what is tearing our country apart. By the way, it's the Grand Canyon State.

    Why would he mention the Border Patrol? This was a memorial for the victims of the Tucson shooting.

    Fiasco? Only in your mind. Even conservatives are saying this was an impressive event and an incredible speech. Obama's numbers have shot up in the last few days. Boehner screwed up by staying in Washington to attend a cocktail party.|||He did what any President would do. If you supported him you would applaud his remarks but it seems you dont so you diss him instead. I am suprised no one from your gun lobby turned up and asked people not to give up their Charlton Heston dead now....or does someone else do his dirty work for the NRA.

    This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

    I was thinking about going to a few meetings to see if it was worth joining. I'm an avid reader of medieval and Renaissance history and would love to take up archery again. Are there any members that could really tell me more info from their perspective?|||*make sure that you copy and paste carefully to avoid the ()'s*

    There appears to be two groups in Tucson, AZ. The main group would be called "Barony of Tir Ysgithr", ( ) and a second group affiliated with the University of Arizona called "College of St. Felix" ( ).

    I am unsure whether the University group hosts Archery or not, however there is a yahoogroup for archery at the Baronial level. (鈥?/a> ).

    The Barony of Tir Ysgithr also has a YahooGroup (鈥?/a> )

    Your best bet would be to contact the Chatelaine (member charged with helping Newcomers) for the group closest to you, and asking them to introduce you to a few people and recommend some events to give you a better idea of what the SCA in that area is and does.|||Extending on the first answer, the Barony of Tir Ysgithr hosts archery practice on Saturdays from 9am - noon at the PSE Archery Factory Pro Shop.

    You can get more information about the practice schedule and who to contact here - (

    The barony is amazing. It is full of happy, kind, and helpful people. It is highly active, boasting easily over 100-150 people at each Tuesday night fighter practice. I highly recommend that you come by and check things out. For archery specifically, there are loaner bows and arrows at the site that you can use should you be interested in taking advantage of those resources.|||thank you thank you all . . . . apparently, I once was a member when I was 15-18 although I didn't realize at the time it was the SCA . . . probably some chapter branch in Orange County, CA. I am so looking forward to going to these events. I hope the members are just as helpful (and friendly) as you two have been!

    Blessings fall on you both! :-)


    Knowing their record of showing up where ever there has been innocent people murdered by gun usage...

    aka the Little Rock Shooting

    I would assume they are already packing their bags.|||I hope so. It sounds like Tucson needs it. Out of that whole crowd, apparently not one person was armed and able to stop that loon from hurting so many. I find it pretty sad that people in this country refuse to take precautions when it comes to protecting their lives and the lives of others. I don't leave the house without being armed. Even if I am just walking to the mailbox in my bathrobe, I have my .38 special tucked in the pocket. I'm sorry but I value my life too much to allow it to be snuffed out by some loon out looking to make a name for him or her self. Someone wants to hurt me or my family, I am gonna make em work for it instead of rolling over with my tail between my legs.|||Wow well love's answer sucked but mine isn't going to be much better.

    A: I'm not in the NRA so I don't know what they are going to do, why don't you write them a letter. People on YA are just going to give you uneducated biased answers which are inaccurate and can only create animosity. but then again I don't know what the intentions of your question are.

    Case in point: Love's answer|||No. They already had on in Phoenix in 2008. I went to that one as well. Actually a nice convention. More guns than people; no one got shot.|||Her security should of done their jobs better and used their guns on him before he used his.|||It would be their right, if not indelicate and possible in bad taste.|||Yep, and we er gonna kill em Mexicans and protect our freeeedom.|||Like Columbine??

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  • It's in in-dash Garmin/Kenwood stereo system... Need to know how to update the maps in the GPS.|||hi Allen, you need the dvd or cd for the gps, if you do not have, you have to go to hyundai for the update. or try the hyundai forum for more info. by the way ttc has not got to me yet, applied july 23.|||i bought a brand NEW 2010 tuscon and the gps was outdated THEN. they def need to fix this problem.

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    All the political smear aside,am I right in assuming that all Americans would agree with that statement?|||Absolutely. As a gun owner myself, I would fully support psychiatric testing required for the purchase of any firearm. It's not going to prevent myself or any other sane person from owning a weapon... but it will indeed *help* to weed out the crazies like this kid, who legally owned the weapon he used.|||Nobody that has been adjudicated to by mentally ill or "defective" can buy a gun. That has been a federal law for a long time. However even the mentally ill have civil rights and are guaranteed due process.
    You can't deny anyone their civil rights just because you don't like how they live, or how they look or how they talk.|||Yes we would all agree to that.The problem here is that his mental problems went undiagnosed(i am assuming)so he would have nothing to stop him from buying a gun.If he had been diagnosed would be filed and he would not have been able to buy a gun.So what we should be talking about is the many decades of failure of the mental health care system,not addressed in the health care bill by the way.|||Do I agree that mentally unstable people should not be permitted to buy guns? Absolutely!

    Where we will probably differ is the definition and diagnosis of "mentally unstable".

    Quite frankly if more people had been armed at that rally that nutjob would have been lucky to get one shot off.|||Anybody in this country can get a gun, you don't need to attain one legally. It is much less likely someone would murder someone with a registered gun that can be traced back to them rather than an unregistered one. So I really don't see how that would help anything, but if it makes you feel safer sure. If someone really wants to go out and open fire on a group of people, I don't think any government regulations are going to stop them.|||He apparently passed an FBI background check.

    Don't confuse legal gun ownership with gun violence. The two have little correlation. It is widely documented that guns used in most gun violence are obtained illegally. FBI crime stats show crackdowns on illegal guns reduce crime. Note illegal guns, not legally bought and permitted guns.

    Reminder, Drunk drivers kill more people than shouldnt we all be screaming for more DUI checkpoints instead of worrying about Mrs. Jane Q. Public buying and permitting a carry gun for her purse?|||Who gets to judge who is crazy.
    I think most liberal democrats are totally loony tunes and they probably think I am.
    Unfortunately you can't pick out the crazies until they end up in front of a judge and some head shrinkers.|||The trick is, how does a gun store clerk determine if a person is mentally ill? They're not qualified to make that diagnosis, and if they weren't previously diagnosed as being mentally ill, nothing would turn up on a background check.|||Yes, but lib privacy hawks at the ACLU will oppose it. Because they will argue a mental competency test, issued by the government, to secure a gun, is an invasion of privacy.|||Hell, there are stable people that should not have guns. But because its a so called freedom then everyone wants one and can get one. You don't even have to go to a gun store and wait for your background check.|||Pretty much. The problem is how you identify and track them without violating their rights, or in fact violating yours and mine because we've built such a draconian system. For now I'd rather risk an occasional lunatic going off than lose all our liberties.|||mentally unstable describes 90% of people on the government payroll. they dont restrict themselves, just others.|||"Should not," then no.

    Mentally ill people CANNOT buy guns. It is illegal, but they have to be adjudicated insane first.

    Loughner slipped through the cracks.|||I totally agree if that was law 6 people in AZ would be alive today and 30 something people would be alive in Va.|||Does that include teabaggers?

    How else would they be able to turn to their 2nd amendment remedies?|||We can agree that the mentally unstable won't agree.|||You would think that would be the "personally responsible" thing to do.|||I didn't think liberals owned guns anyway.|||yeah planes work so much more effectively

    Guns really do not kill people

    people really do kill people.|||Yes but we already have laws that cover this. You have to be certified crazy.|||What?!! How dare you step on ANYBODY'S right to own and potentially misuse a lethal weapon!!!|||You are 100% correct.|||ok...|||Yes, liberals should not be allowed


    What particularly struck me was the absense of "boos" whether the speech was given by liberals or conseratives. It was a lovely evening. I loved the invocation at the beginning.|||Yes, I did listen and I would have been saddened if there were boos. I am not an Obama supporter but I think he did a wonderful job with his speech as did the others who spoke. Sometimes a tragedy like this will have good come from it and I hope the president believes what he said and this will be the beginning for positive change in a politically charged atmosphere. There couldn't be a better memorial for those who lost their life than to have our political leaders realize, along with all of us, that we are all citizens of this great nation and it's time to stop intentionally hurting others for political gain. Those who lost their lives, and the heroes of this unfolding story, deserve better ... we all do. Those people who acted in an unselfish way to help others in their time of great need didn't take time to consider what political party they were affiliated with ... they were just people who needed their help and they did what they could ... even if it cost them great harm or even loss of life. I do hope our political leaders will consider what President Obama had to say and set aside their hatred for the "other side" and come together with those whom they have disagreements with and compromise for the good of all. I believe this tragedy has touched us all and we share in the grief of those who mourn as if they were members of our own families. This should tell us something about our divisions ... hopefully that our compassion for others is greater than our desire to bring them harm.

    As I looked at the face of President Obama I believe I saw true sorrow and compassion and it is my hope that this will be the beginning of a healing for our country that we have needed for so many years.|||The memorial service was on the campus of the University of Arizona in Tucson. I've read that security was high (as it should be for the President and his family).

    But, I think that when high profile visitors come to campuses and speak, the students and guests are respectful and avoid casting a bad light on their school with disrespect towards speaker.

    I want to mention here that I am very tired of those Westboro protesters and how they want to disrupt the victims funerals. I don't know how they prevented those folks from disrupting today's memorial service.

    Good luck. I liked the speech. It is a very difficult situation for anyone to address.|||Yes, I did. I think it might be the best speech that President Obama has ever given. He concentrated on the importance of everyone coming together to help build a stronger nation where ideas can be shared without violence. He stressed the imagination of one child that all the adults who are showing such hate these days should emulate and make genuine attempts to talk to one another and really listen with our own adult imaginations, instead getting stuck like unmoving rocks with absolutely no intention of ever compromising or using our imaginations to even attempt to find other solutions. Anyone who didn't listen to his speech certainly should. It made lots and lots of sense.

    Some of you have mentioned the screaming and yelling. It seems that anytime these events are scheduled in sports arenas, the behavior of the crowds reverts to sports arena behavior. I think that maybe this time that was OK. The applause and the cheers kind of added some encouragement and some hope, for me anyway.|||Obama can give a good speech. Too bad he can't run a country. I don't see how having 6 people dead and a large number wounded, could possibly equal a lovely evening. Somehow, I do not think the families of the dead, those who were wounded and their families, believed it was a lovely evening, and no matter how eloquent the speeches, nothing has changed.|||I was surprised by the yelling and whistling in the audience. I felt it was disrespectful for a memorial service. It is wonderful that Rep. Giffords has her eyes opened. I was glad to hear scripture and the reference to God for blessings of the family and nation in the President's words. I only heard the president's words.|||I agree with you, the invocation by the Native American was impressive, however the rest of it disturbed me very much..I felt it was like a big pep-rally. Not the time or place for applause or whistles.
    I also know Obama was called down on his lack of emotion the other day by more than 1 news commentator..which leaves me to wonder exactly how much of his LLOONNGG speech was really sincere|||Yes I watched it and thought it was a beautiful speech. He gives a sincere message. He is not the best president ever but he is not as arrogant as George W. and a lot easier to listen to than George W, was. I didn't';t like that smirk smile George W. always had on his face. I just wanted to smack him.|||I didn't want to watch, thought it would be just too sad. I did wind up turning it on though and was so surprised to see and hear the love. Yes, it was still sad but didn't dwell on it as a negative. Very uplifting program.|||I listened. I was impressed at what everyone said....and was delighted at the enthusiastic response & support for WHAT was said.

    So much NICER than the ranting hate and fear speech SOMEONE else usually babbles from morning till night.|||My hope and prayer would be that the feeling which permeated those who heard the memorial speeches would abidingly permeate our entire nation.|||I missed it. Have seen clips. Am on C-Span now to hear it discussed. I like what Obama said about more civility in public discourse.|||I listen to NOTHING the POTUS has to say about anything. The sooner he's gone the better.|||Yes, it was beautiful. I loved President Obama's speech.|||I did and I was impressed!|||I did not.|||No, I'm tired of hearing about the story.|||Nope, I was to busy on here..=)|||It was very good


    I'm visiting for memorial weekend and I want to go someplace fun, any suggestions?|||Kon Tiki


    I'm interested in anything. I am also looking for some great photography spots as well.|||Well there is many museums: the Desert Museum, Arizona Wildlife Museum and Pima Air just to name a few. We have an awesome Reid Park Zoo. Also you can take a walk/hike to Sabino Canyon there's water there and you could take some great photos. You could go fishing at the many lakes around. Or go to Breaker's Water Park or any pool since it's hot!! There's Old Tucson, The Biosphere 2, Or Botanical Gardens. There's baseball games at Randolph Park (Toros). You can go to 4th Ave and check out their restaurants, shops,and bars. Bison Witches is a great sandwich/soup shop on 4th Ave. You can check out the University. La Encantada is our nice and new mall near Campbell/Sunrise. Check out downtown and eat some good Mexican food at Cafe Poca Cosa. The top of Swan (north) you can take some great pics of Tucson. Some night clubs are: Cactus Moon, Pearl, and Level. Nogales, Mexico is only 45 miniute drive too. Have fun!|||The top of A mountain, you can get a good view of all of Tucson.

    The AZ desert museum is cool, they have all sorts of desert flowers in bloom depending on the time of year.

    Another spot, not so cliche is Tucson Mountain Park. When you get to the otherside of the mountain there's just cacti galore and it really makes me think of being in the desert. The sunsets are pretty there too. You just take speedway all the way out west and keep going til you want to come back, you'll see beautiful areas.

    Sabino Canyon is pretty too, although it is very touristy.

  • papa ginos
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  • I'm headed to Tucson for a wedding this coming weekend, and would like to use some of my spare time to see the country near there. I'm staying on the north side near the Catalina mountains.

    Can anyone recommend a good day hike around that area? I'll have a rental car, and don't mind driving a little ways if its worth it.

    Thanks!|||Esperero Trail to Bridal Veil Falls, Santa Catalina Mountains. This hike is very scenic, and not that heavily traveled. If you don't feel like doing the whole 12 miles, at least go up to Geronimo Meadows, which is only about an hour in. Check out the included link for more info on this hike.|||Might want to do a search on Mt. Lemmon, Sabino Canyon, Chiva Falls, or Madera Canyon. It really depends on what type of a hike you're looking for.


    Friday, March 9, 2012

    By attending the memorial service he is politicizing the event. Is this turning down the rhetoric???|||Yeah, he refused to come to Arizona for two years while it is being invaded by Mexican bandits, but now he comes. He's such a freakin' phony!|||.... When a political Congresswoman is shot at a political rally, it IS political. It doesn't get more political than that. When a Congresswoman is shot, OF COURSE the President should acknowledge the event and come out against it, and in support of those who are suffering from the event. Once again, President Obama is doing exactly the right thing -- unlike Bush, who partied while New Orleans drowned.|||I don't care for Obama, but it seems reasonable and expected that he would be there. What he chooses to say while there will determine if he is politicizing it. Hopefully, he'll be respectful and call a spade a spade.|||It's really simple...

    Politics, or our political culture, has everything to do with a POLITICIAN being shot.

    But no. He is going there because he is the leader of our nation.|||And if Obama didn't shown any concern about the tragedy you people would politicize that saying Obama doesn't care.

    Damn man, politics just NEVER stops. It never does.|||He's the President attending a service where a Congresswoman was shot. Come on.|||Obama would politicize taking a dump if he could.|||i heard he shook hands with a democrat today....when will his "politicizing" stop???|||So he can start his world apology tour.....|||Yeah, that's really going to help the current situation, right?|||No. But you are. President Bush would have done the same if he were still president|||God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not not perish but shall have ever lasting life.|||What will he do if they pull him over and demand to see proof of citizenship?


    Partner suggested I get a brazzilian wax so I am nice and smooth. Can anyone help me find a place?|||wax yourself


    Halo had such a great reputation, I'm thinking of driving up to Phoenix to get pierced. But if I could avoid the drive and get pierced here, that would be great. How is STTP's jewelry selection? Cleanliness and sterilization? Are the piercers good? Please tell me your experiences!|||sttp is amazing!! brian is still piercing there and worked for halo in the same spot for many years (same cleanliness standards as halo). he does great work! the jewelry is great and the new decor is killer.


    University of Arizona at Tucson or University of California at Santa Barbara?
    I know it depends what you want to major in a such, but what would be the better choice considering each university overall. I live in Tucson but i can easily live in Santa Barbara and i used to live there.|||do you want to pay instate tuition or not?

    General ranking is better for Santa Barbara, but it will also be much more expensive as you won't get instate tuition.


    Generally ranking isn't telling you everything, but gives you some indication. Also it doesn't mean that for specific programs the ranking isn't very different from the general ranking. In the end you will have to make your own decision.

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    Yesterday I went to Majestik Tattoo and I will not be going back there. They made the process too long and extremely painful. So I'd like to know if there are any other clean and professional places in Tucson to get my second lip piercing.
    Thank you :]|||There are no places where it will not be long and painful.


    It depends on how you send the package i.e. Overnight, 2 day air etc.


    was not known to follow or listen to conservative radio such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz,and Laura Ingraham? Maybe it contradicts their spin, and suggests their incompetence and laziness?|||The media isn't very interested in facts: liberal or conservative. They work for ratings and that's about it. Their job is to make money. Calling the media liberal is like calling a mother of 4 a virgin. It's a great story, but no truth behind it. The media is very mainstream and overall it is conservative. They thought the bombing of the Murrah bombing was an islamic terrorist when it was a white conservative christian. It goes both ways.|||Much of the media supports liberal causes. Anyone that does not support such causes is treated as an uncaring villain. There are liberals in the media and political field who feel everyone must be "politically correct" other words, you must share their views or you are guilty of all the terrible things that happen in the world. They can't bring themselves to admit that the shooter is responsible for his own actions. It wouldn't support their mission of silencing any opposition.

    To be fair, I think we must also realize that the liberal and conservative side of the media have both been guilty of using the media to advance their causes. To a point it's okay, but when events such as this are used, it's disgraceful.|||they want to keep their jobs for one. the owners of the media are liberals, probably socialists and God knows what else.|||They will be confounded by their own deceptive ways as advised from the text of a great book, the holy scripture!|||Because what radio stations and insane unstable half-tard listens to makes no difference at all? Left or Right?


    i wanna go in bus but i looked online and they said 14 hours and 22mins. i never been in bus so i was wondering if you might know if its the same time or takes longer to get there by bus. oh and i live in oklahoma city. :)|||The bus always takes longer than driving yourself because the bus stops in almost every town in between.

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  • My huusband and i are moving there in a few months and we have a few questions on pricing. What is the cost of living: gas, rent. cigarettes, etc.|||Cigarettes run about $5-$6 for name brand. Rent really varies depending on what part of town.|||i'm not sure about cigarette prices but gas is about $1.90


    I've tried the CW site and on my TV and I just cannot figure it out. I also have comcast so I have like 400 channels and I can't figure out what channel it comes on. Help would be appreciated.|||The CW has a Station List at their Website - click on "Stations"

    Phoenix (KASW)
    Tucson (KWBA)
    Digital Subchannels:
    58.1 KWBA/CW

    Yuma-El Centro (KSWT-TV)


    I'm looking for someplace that has really great food but isn't too well known. I'm not a big fan of chain restaurants and I'm looking for something different.|||El Sol Mexican Bakery and Restaurant at 760 N. Arizona Ave. in Chandler is wonderful. I also enjoy Rigatony's at 1850 E Warner Rd in Tempe.|||Leaving opinion out, That's a Wrap is really popular Sandwich wraps but less known as there is only one location and it's considered health food but among small groups of friends AND some people don't know they recently moved locations so they don't get too crowded
    800 East Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 85014
    (602) 252-5051

    That's a wrap is right next door to a Tapas restaurant but if you a want something really different, there is an ASIAN Tapas restaurant Called Sens
    You may hear about it's "sister" restaurant called "Fate" but it's actually the owners previous baby restaurant but someone bought it out from under him while he was starting "Sens" and so all the recipes are not his originals. If you want the real deal, go to SENS.
    705 North 1st Street Phoenix, AZ 85004-2022
    (602) 340-9777

    Knockneed Lobster at 32nd St and Washington (they also have another e. valley location). Great fastfood type fish Cubs Park at 40th St and Bell Rd. Great Chicago style hotdogs, fries, etc. Again no atmosphere (mostly Cubs stuff).

    FOR MEXICAN food,
    Villa Del Los Santos and Los Dos Molinos(Phoenix) and Guerro's (Tempe)|||In Glendale,Az. there's a place that has good food and the service is great ,It's open for the AM only it's called Parson's Family Restaurant at 59th. Ave. and Northern on the west side behind a convenience store.Next to a funeral home.


    He was at his Jr high school and had two joints in his backpack. After authorities were notified the boy and his entire family are being sent back to Mexico because they were in this country illegally.

    Some are happy to be rid of the illegals, but this seems like severe treatment and all the family must now be deported. I don't really know how to feel about this. Were the people generally law abiding? Were the parents employed and eligible for legal status? What are your thoughts and feelings?|||Just to let you know, there are some people with brain cells that actually can connect a thought or two here :)

    There are lots of cases lately like this that have led to rapid deportation. Usually what hits the news is parents in trouble, not kids.

    And what makes those cases heartbreaking is sometimes one or more members of the family ARE US citizens. Either they split up, and the kids are left alone in the US, or the cids are sent to a place they never knew for reasons they had nothing to do with.

    This is an extremely active and evolving area of law and policy in the US.|||I was under the impression that the school couldn't even ASK a kid what his legal status was. It must be the pot in his bag, a crime, that made his status fair game. The behavior of the parents (short circuiting the immigrations process) has fallout for the kids.

    Report Abuse

    |||I'm amazed at the hostility for "anchor babies" that many otherwise civil people feel. Many feel quite vulnerable and threatened. It might be that the illegal immigrant family is having the child just to take advantage, but that doesn't mean the child is less precious.

    Report Abuse

    |||GOOD !

    "Were the people generally law abiding"

    No, they were here illegally, therefore everything they did here was illegal.|||Why is this any different? They were found out, & deported! That is the way it should happen! If they were in the process of becoming legal, I really don't think they would have just rounded them up & sent them packing! That at least shows intent. I think it is a good beginning...keep up the good work!|||Law abiding illegals?

    Isn't that an oxymoron?

    Law abiding illegal with an illegal drug in his back backpack?

    Again isn't that an oxymoron?|||Illegals should go back home. If they cant enter and do everything by the books thats the way it should be.|||If the kid and his sibling were, in fact, U.S citizens, then they could not have been sent back. That said, it doesn't really matter how law abiding they may have appeared, they were in the country illegally, and that, in itself, is a crime.


    I've been playing the Viola and Violin Since 1st grade. Once I got to high school i strayed away from it. Now I go to a school where Orchestra isn't offered. I love playing, and I miss it. My dream is to play in the TSO. What should I do to get there? How does one even get into a symphony orchestra? I realize I may not just "get in" I know it will take time and hard work.
    Thanks. :)|||The Tuscon Symphony Orchestra is a professional orchestra in which members vie for positions and are salaried. At the present time, you are not prepared to audition for the orchestra let alone be a member. You need to start doing some serious practicing on your violin or viola on a daily basis and take private lessons if available in your area. It would be helpful to graduate from a reputable music school with a major in violin or viola. With that degree, you might be able to gain entrance into the orchestra, but competition will be stiff. There are more well qualified musicians than there are positions available in professional orchestras. Get started on that practicing and good luck.|||Play like you are good enough for the Berlin Philharmonic, then Tuscon might let you in.

    ... If the TSO is your goal, find a professional teacher who has the credentials and ability to get you there.

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  • Moving to tucson from chicago...This will be the first time my son is in day care. He will turn two in October Thanks!!|||My daughter was in in for 6 months until it was taking a financial toll on us, the rate was $180.00 a week! I loved the workers and she seemed to enjoy it, I would defiantly recommend it !|||If you go to the state governments website, they have a listing of all the liscensed child care facilities. You can actually view a detailed listing of each day cares inspections and violations. It is a great way to research a place and see what they have done wrong with their children. I hope this helps!


    wants to legalize marijuana. Now that does sound like a Palin supporter or follower, not Limbaugh follower, not a Beck follower and not a Tea Party menber none of them support legalization of "pot" so what can this deranged idiot be a member of?|||Every Conservative I know smokes pot on occasion. That isn't an exclusively Left thing to do.|||I don't have a problem with legalizing the Pot. I don't have an issue at all with anything you do in your own home as long as no one gets hurt. I believe in every ones freedom. I am a "LIBertarian". I don't like Libs because all they do is limit the human potential. I don't like Republicans because all they want is to limit freedom. Both waste my tax $$ and are full of shiat....This guy was a National Socialist..See Libs it means NAZI.. Socialism is horrible..Very destructive the human spirit. What it boils down to is you both, Dems and Reps are very wrong.|||He is a member of the mentally ill. He had conflicting political books in his place and made claims that the government was using mind control by controlling grammar. He wasn't just a few sandwiches short of a picnic - his picnic basket is completely empty.|||He is obviously mentally unstable. Those who are using this for their own agenda are the problem in this country.|||"HATE GROUP"

    Yeah, that DOES sound like a Palin, Limbaugh and Beck follower, as well as a Tea Party member.|||Nice try, but no cigar buster. Substitute LEFT with RIGHT and your IQ will spiral upwards.|||This deranged person was a Group of One...himself.|||If this is true, he does not sound like a Palin supporter.|||It sounds like he was a pot smoker. Don't act like cons don't smoke pot, because I could name a bunch who do.|||I don't see any "politics" involved.... I saw a "Nut"...with a gun....|||Quit trying to rewrite history. You are not fooling the youth.|||Putting phrases in CAPS doesn't make them true. Get some facts friend.


    iv been driving an 06 tuscon for the past 4 years but totalled it this past weekend. how much different is the 2010 model?|||We just traded our 2006 Tuscon in for the new 2010 Tucson about three weeks ago now. Here is what I can tell you so far.

    1. The new Tucson is much better on gas in the city, about the same on the highway driving.
    2. The seats (unless you go with all leather seats) are ugly in the new Tucson. The fabric ones are the cheap hard canvass type fabric and the leatherette seats (which we opted for ) are butt ugly (pardon the pun). The seats were much better in the 2006 model.
    3. The radio now comes with a jack to plug in a iPod or a USB music player (nice feature). Also, the new Tucson now comes with Bluetooth standard.
    4. The brakes on the 2010 Tucson are very, very sensitive I find. You hardly have to touch the pedal to get good braking.
    5. The power is better in the 2010 Tucson (more power off the line I find)
    6. The 2006 Tuscon had better full fold down seats in the rear, the new rear seats in the 2010 model don't fold all the way down unfortunately.
    7. The 2010 Tucson is roomier and not as cramped as the 2006 even though it is about 80 pounds lighter.

    All in all, we are enjoying the 2010 Tucson. Excellent value for the money you pay for a small SUV, none can match that.|||There are no working parts shared between the two.


    I'd like to know as soon as possible, since Christmas is coming soon and I need to earn money to get things for my family.|||Check with your school counselor... schools often have some sort of agreement with local businesses or private institutions that allow you to work part-time.... and this isn't your typical mall job... I was in H.S. and thru one of the programs there I was able to get a job at the University of Arizona... Worth looking into.|||I'm not really sure about Tuscon, however where I live (Anthem) my Safeway started hiring around 15, my friend started working about 6 months after he turned 15, so you may want to try a Safeway...


    i'm writing a book, and i need to know because my main character and her parents are driving to visit a relative.|||About 14 hours.

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  • I just moved here and want to watch UFC 102 tonight but cant order pay per view and dont know what restaurants show the fights. As close to UA campus as possible would be nice would be nice. Im not 21 either so I need a place that lets me in.|||Hooters brother..u can get of ina rd..thats the one i know of|||I highly recommend these sites.|||Your Answer:
    UFC 102 in HD For free on!!

    Watch UFC 102 Live in HD For free on WWW.SAS-HD.NET


    I'm interested in knowing how others feel about it. I know I read that a group of people find the shooter a "hero"? Does anyone else out there see this murderer as a hero? Definitely not me. Let me know!|||Definitely no hero.

    Personally I feel the most sorry for his parents. Even more so than the victims. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have your child do something like that? You would feel responsible. How would you ever get over the guilt?

    As far as the kid himself, I think he was obviously very troubled, but in the society we live in when people are "different," people ignore them, call them "creepy," weird, or whatever and pretty much avoid them instead of seeing what's wrong with him. Maybe he just needed a friend but nobody would give him the chance. All of that anger and bitterness has to find an outlet eventually. We need some kind of support system for troubled people in this country. Somewhere to go if you feel isolated, alone, and have nobody to talk about your problems and can't afford therapy.|||The dude is definitely no hero. A big douche maybe.....

    Agree with the above post. Feel VERY sorry for the parents. The whole situation is so sad. Our country has gotten so fanatical with politics and bipartisan differences in the last 10 years. It's crazy. Everyone is so opinionated with politics and is so hate filled. It's very sad|||A zionist stage show for gun ban.鈥?/a>

    Arizona Shooter and Giffords Belonged To Same Synagogue鈥?/a>

    Jared Loughner Is Jewish
    But His Synagogue Congregation Chaverim and Rabbi Stephanie Aaron
    And The Media Have Been Caught
    Hiding This Fact Revealed By WhiteNewsNow
    From Americans

    This is an amazing story. We now learn that Jared Lee Loughner's mother Amy Loughner is a member of the SAME Reform synagogue as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords! That means that Amy's son, who lives with his Jewish parents, Amy and Randy Loughner, is ALSO a member of the same synagogue as his shooting victim, Rep. Giffords.

    Why didn't we hear about this from our super-sleuth national media?

    Instead we hear that a White man is the shooter. We hear that anti-Semitism is his motive.

    But FACTS are leaking out!

    His best friend, Bryce Tierney, who got a "farewell" voice message the night before the shootings tells us that his friend is Jewish. He tells us that Jared Loughner put Mein Kampf down as "favorite reading" to irritate his Jewish mother, Amy.

    The story and the coverup of the story gets wilder. The Loughners and the Giffords were members of the same Congregation Chaverim. On the Congregation Chaverim website we learn that this Reform synagogue that was founded in 1973 has 140 families. That's a very small group. The Rabbi, Stephanie Aaron surely knows every single family member of her congregation on a first name basis! That includes 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner.

    So, it is IMPOSSIBLE that Rabbi Stephanie Aaron did not KNOW instantly upon learning that a Jared Lee Loughner had shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords that BOTH people were members of her small congregation!

    But does Rabbi Aaron make ANY effort to inform the media, as she takes hundreds and hundreds of media calls from the mass media, of this fact?

    Apparently not!


    Here's something about the synagogue, from some synagogue website in AZ. (The Chaverim website is either down or overloaded):

    Congregation Chaverim (Reform), 5901 E. 2nd St. Tucson, AZ 85711 Phone (520) 320-1015

    Congregation Chaverim is a Reform Jewish congregation in which each member is personally responsible for creating a dynamic congregational family experience that cultivates spirituality, education and traditions through active participation. One of our goals is to create an identification with Judaism through the participation of the entire family in a series of shared religious and educational experiences and to foster a creative and innovative religious atmosphere while preserving Jewish tradition and ethics.

    Now, for the first time in our 30+ year history, Congregation Chaverim is permanently housed in our own synagogue building allowing Chaverim to better fulfill its mission as a full service Reform Congregation.

    Shabbat Services and holiday celebrations as well as Children's and Adult Education programs are part of our caring environment that promotes our community spirit of worship, friendship, and social action. Affiliated with UAHC for more then 27 years.

    Today, 08:40 AM|||He is not a hero. And as for Ginny, outlawing guns will result in the same scenario as outlawing drug use. Still available illegally.|||It is a tragedy. Assuming the shooter acted alone, I am reminded of his right to reject treatment for his condition. This is so unfortunate as he put so many people at risk.|||Waiting to happen until guns are outlawed it will happen again.

    Edit - At least it would be harder than going into a shop as if to buy a can of pop.|||Not a hero but a deluded nutcase.|||If it wasn't for Senator Giffords being injured.....the event would NOT have taken up so much 'air' time.


    The temperatures are usually close to freezing point with little change between day and night. It's humid, sometimes wet, the sky is mostly grey. Often it's windy.
    There is a lot of rain, sometimes a lot of snow, this is different every year and unpredictable.
    December and January are the darkest months of the year. It's dark night from five o'clock in the afternoon to eight o'clock in the morning. In February, there is more light again, while the weather is still the same.


    Wild Oats? I have no idea. If there are several options, where do you think it would be the freshest or best quality?|||wow...a mahi mahi...
    thats a good question...i ask myself that...
    i wonder if u can just order it in and shipped to u in one day i dont know...hehe...jk jk
    the best place i have heard that sold fresh fish...are costcos stores...but they can be expensive if you want good fish...

    i looked up costcos here...and is a quote from someone
    that worked or w.e...bought a costcos

    Costco in my area is carrying some great fish in the frozen food section. Each piece of fish is indivually frozen and wrapped. Each bag is about 3 pounds, holding 5-10 pieces of fish. They had salmon, ahi tuna, halibut, alaskan cod and mahi mahi fish available today.

    so ya...i hope i kinda helped here...

    and i am sure u got a costcos in ur location...


    I dont want to get a degree just yet, I would like to get some experience in solar installation. ___Dont just guess at an answer please.|||first learn about electricity the rest will follow when you ask about the products, yes it's that simple

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  • need blue headlights for a 2004 acura rsx. want to buy them here in town not online!|||Any auto parts store|||check auto store websites,,,


    If not, why is the Governor of Arizona only going after Mexican illegals?|||No! that's the work of a White Anti-Government lunatic. But she's not worried about the homegrown terrorists.|||I am sure an illegal immigrant has walked up and killed, just like a white person, black person, muslim, jew, catholic, etc. Look at the number of multiple killings and you will be able to find that the murderer is of almost any race, religion or social class that you choose to dwell on. So many ridiculous statements in the new right now. You can take any situation and spin it in many different directions. Best wishes to all of the victims and families involved in this senseless tragedy!|||Yes, they have. Check out gangs like MS 13, one of the most violent gangs in the US and filled with mostly illegals from Mexico. There are plenty of gangs around the US that are filled with illegals, that killed people like this.|||Add up all those killed on 9/11, and all the Americans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it is no where near the amount of US citizens killed by illegal aliens over the same time period.|||NEVER! I'm not saying illegals don't commit crime, but nothing like this. Jan Brewer is part of this big movement in Arizona that's working to push the Hispanics out of their state.|||The killer was a home grown white American with a perfect right to carry a gun. No good trying to blame illegals this time.|||Illegals do the work you don't want, but do steal ID's, while right winged lunatics do stuff like this.

    RIP Giffords.|||yes, and Arizona's law is directed at ALL illegals


    Wild Oats? I have no idea. If there are several options, where do you think it would be the freshest or best quality?|||Wild Oats could definitely be a good place to go.

    Or there's these other alternatives:

    Rodriguez, Seafood (520) 623-1931 - 3541 S 12th Ave, Tucson, AZ
    Rincon Market (520) 327-6653 - 2513 E 6th St, Tucson, AZ
    Showcase Meat and Seafood (520) 882-6328 - 1101 W Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ

    Hope that helps.


    It was like a big cloud only it was colorful and it was growing and it was making a big long squigly line. There was onuther 1 right next to it and it was growing to. It was,green, and white.|||I'm sorry. I had chili last night.|||maybe it was aliens.|||I'd say northern lights but your probably too far south to see them. Not real sure. Either that or it's the other guy who said he had chili last night :)|||That was a test launch of a missle test of an "area defense" weapon in New Mexico called THAAD (reference 1).


    Do you believe Diane Sawyer and other similar journalists who believe that Limbaugh and other AM radio talk show hosts caused Jared Loughner to go on a rampage. Or are these mainstream journalists just trying to incite more hatred between the liberal left and conservative right?|||It is possible, it definitely did not help, talking about reloading and second amendment options. That plus at Sarah Palin's website she had a map of the US with rifle scope crosshairs in the states that she was supporting teabaggers to beat certain democrats. When you moved your mouse over, it would turn blood red. One of the dems that won the seat anyway was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Their initial comeback was that it was surveyor scope was comical since it would not make sense to have that plus the few surveyor scopes I've looked through do not have crosshairs in them. z|||I believe that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, to name just two media personalities (we can't call them journalists), deliberately incite and inflame their listeners with their rantings and ravings that are seldom based in truth. They are narcissists interested in drawing attention - good or bad - from as many people as possible. They are incapable of reasonable, logical discourse and they feel no remorse for the consequences of their inflammatory rants.

    Most people have the capacity for cognitive thought and dismiss their rants as just that - attention grabbing, but nothing by which to direct their daily lives and life choices. But, someone who is mentally disturbed is not capable of separating thoughtless, fact-less rants from the truth. Those mentally disturbed people might be inspired by the inflammatory rants to act on the subject of those rants.|||The issue isn't that such bloggers directly cause the killings. The question is whether the public "debate" has reached such a level that it is completely divisive and might stir up enough hate to push fragile people over the edge. Perhaps it is time to stop with the finger pointing and nasty comments and actually look at some of the issues.|||With no proof, they are just acting irresponsible. They are not journalists, they are like the bloggers with no ethics pushing their politics down our throats.

    Problem is people are taking it as fact. They are inciting a more polarized atmosphere which doesn't help the families of the victims at all.

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  • I'm planning on going from Los Angeles to Tucson, AZ on Christmas either leaving in the morning or afternoon. I'm planning on taking the 10 east all the way but I know I can also take the 5 south to the 8 east. Which freeway would be best to go? I'd rather take the 10 since it's shorter but if the 5 to the 8 is faster I'd rather take that. And how would the traffic be?|||I take the I-8 west from Tucson every year for the holiday either on Christmas or on Christmas Eve. It is heavier than usual but not bumper to bumper or have too many slow downs. Having gone up to Phoenix on the holidays, the I-10 is horrible because there will inevitably be a half dozen slow downs because the two lane interstate can't accommodate the traffic between Casa Grande and Phoenix. Going through the actual city isn't usually as bad, but problems always come up when there are only 2 lanes and every needs to slow down to see an accident, a cop pulling over someone, etc. The I-8/I-10 between San Diego and Tucson is pretty clear except for the 2 border patrol checkpoints which will add about 5-10 minutes to the trip for each stop. I have family in San Diego who don't touch the I-5 north of Del Mar because the traffic is always hit or miss with me actually being stuck in a traffic jam one weekend there for 3 hours. The only experience I have with the I-10 between LA and Phoenix are non-holiday weekends in the early morning and never had a problem once I was 10-20 miles outside of the cities.

    If I was in your position, I would leave as early as possible on the I-10 east until you hit Highway 85 near Buckeye then drive south to Gila Bend. After you are in Gila Bend, you just head east on the I-8 until you merge with the I-10 and get to Tucson. I would avoid Phoenix if you could. Highway 85 is a very well traveled road and most people use it to get between central Arizona and San Diego, but I never find it that congested. The key to all this is to leave early because traffic will only get worse as the day gets longer, and talking from a trip this Thanksgiving, a smooth drive at 9am will turn into an irritating afternoon of continuous speeding up and braking at noon.


    I dont know where to find a doctor that treats Adult ADD.|||your regular physician can treat you and if you prefer to see a psychologist or psychiatrist, your regular physician can refer u


    concealed permit and weapon? If I am not getting directly shot at. Can I shoot to kill, shoot to wound, or have him freeze and stop him with sight of the gun. I don't mean just at that shooting, but at any time. What can I get away with, and at what level too. By level I mean if I am getting robbed at knife point can I kill him? Or walk into something like a shooting.|||You can use lethal force defending anyones life and even to stop a rape, in arizona you no longer need a CCW permit

    The only exception may be if he stopped shooting,threw the gun away and started to run away from you, then he was no longer a threat but a layer would argue that he may have went somewhere else and killed again,but no prosecutor would bring charges in this case|||If you can Kick His Dick without Using your firepower then you be a Hero but if He face on you Then Give Him a Fast Draw well in that case sounds your Protecting yourself right? and the others if we in a cowboy days you can stand up to Anyone to prove your Rights and Depend others.|||The guy who tackled the shooter was carrying a gun.|||No trouble.
    But why should a loon be allowed to buy a gun and an oversized clip?|||you would be a hero


    If you are asking this question, because of noise, then I think it's the same ordinance as in Phoenix, which reads:

    Building operations; permit from Development Services Director. The erection, (including excavating), demolition, alteration or repair of any building in any residential district or section, other than between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. from the first day of May to and including the 30th day of September and between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. beginning the first day of October to and including the 30th day of April on weekdays, except in case of urgent necessity in the interest of public health, safety and welfare and then only with a permit from the Development Services Director, which permit may be granted for a period not to exceed thirty days, while the emergency continues. If the Development Services Director should determine that the public health, safety and welfare will not be impaired by the erection, demolition, alteration or repair of any building within the hours specified herein, and if he shall further determine that loss or inconvenience would not result to any party in interest, he may grant permission for such work to be done at times other than specified herein, upon application being made at the time the permit for the work is awarded or during the progress of the work.

    You can also double check with the city:


    I live in the city and dont know if i can have a bonfire or not?|||Call your local fire department and see if there are any active burn bans for the day you want. You may need a permit as well, depending on where your home is located.

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  • I'm looking for a good party atmosphere. Also, what time do they close. Thanks all.|||Of all the clubs in the city, the only really consistently good club for electronic music is Asylum on Congress St between 6th Ave and Scott. I love going there on Saturday because they play nothing but EBM, synthpop, futurepop, and a bit of industrial. The drink specials aren't too bad, and it is generally a fun place where you can hang out without dressing in all black (still, it is fun to get gothed out from time to time).

    Sometimes, Heart-Five (鈥?/a> has some good stuff, but I generally can't take straight house or trance for too long. Every great once in awhile, there is a decent act or DJ at Club Congress or Sharks or Vaudeville Cabaret, but you really have to be on the lookout since it is a rare event. I would stick to Asylum for the harder stuff, and Heart-Five for the more mainstream and poppier electronic music.

    Figure last call for Tucson is at 2AM and most places throw you out by 2:30AM. I wish it was later, but the city is pretty conservative; so, you can't dance until dawn. Check it all out and have a good time. I think my friends and I are going to Asylum this weekend since I love the club (except half the people dancing have very little rhythm even with the steady back beat). Heart-Five is something I save for weekdays when I want to dance with friends and not have crowds of people bumping into me.|||The rumper room or Butt Surfers.


    Ive been researching this for a long time and I've found this: There is a high school league, but my school has no team, and there's a severe lack of interest in hockey. Any help would be greatly appreciated|||Talk to the dean. See if you can get something started.|||They have an all Tucson Monsoon ice hockey team if you're interested in that. Check out I believe its near the 10 and speedway and they have rollerhockey. But you're right, hockey isn't a big thing out there like it is on the east coast.


    Or numbers that I could call to see where they are found.

    Currently I have Tura Milan N039 and I'd love to get them again, but I have yet to find them.|||they are all over the internet鈥?/a>


    Luke AFB is a heavy hitter for Phoenix but Tucson has DM AFB, Tucson Air Guard and the "bone yard".|||I would have to go with Tucson. From just what you listed, Tucson has more. Also, we have the Pima Air and Space Museum, which is amazing.

    So I've got to give it up for my hometown. TUCSON!|||I'd say whichever is closer to Goldwater Air Force Range.


    I am moving from Michigan to Arizona in about a year or so...I like to plan early...but that has nothing really to do with my question. I was looking around and saw pretty good affordable apartments in the neighborhood called the Foothills, is that a decent neighborhood? Is it expensive for a college student first moving out on her own? What are some decent affordable places in Tucson? And what neighborhoods should I avoid? Any serious answers and help would be greatly appreciated! :)|||Avoid South Tucson. I personally won't live in a place that's South of Broadway. The Foothills is the nicest area of town, a bit far out, but where most of the rich people live. If you're just looking for an apartment, though, you can probably find something there that's not too badly priced.

    I personally prefer to be closer to the central part of town, which to me feels more appropriate for younger people. The U of A is in the central part of town (just outside downtown) so that's where the hipper younger sort of businesses are, stores, restaurants, bars, clubs, whatever. I'm not a college student anymore, but I still live near the university. The Foothills are on the Eastside, so it's a bit more of family neighborhoods there.

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  • New to Tucson and I need to find someone new for threading!|||hi there,a few on this link for you,鈥?/a>

    regards pops..|||thank you.

    Report Abuse


    he had a picture (?) that depicted a girl on top of a guy and there were words like "love" and others blended into the picture along with other random sentences. The entire thing was made out of different shades and pictures taken from a lot of magazines.|||Which dates ?
    You could try contacting the organizers at -
    Fourth Avenue Merchants Association | 329 East 7th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705 | phone (520) 624-5004 fax (520) 624-5933
    Or you can contact them on line -
    They should know which artists were there on specific dates and might remember the artist you're looking for.
    Hope that helps.


    I need a lawyer for going under for a complete knee replacement with a mild sedative and suffering a lot of pain during surgery and after surgery. Help?|||Malpractice Attorneys Tucson
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    http://www.malpracticeresourcecenter.com鈥?/a>|||Every surgery causes pain. Unless the surgery was done incorrectly and you have suffered damages due to that,you don't have a case.


    i've been a few times, just wondering if there is a quicker route than that one we've been taking. thanks|||There are two ways to go, and if you ask 10 people, you'll get half who say go thru Phoenix and ride 1-10 all the way into LA, and the other half would say go thru San Diego.

    While taking I-10 (either thru Phoenix, or by taking I-8 to Gila Bend, and bypassing Phoenix metro) is a shorter route, you need to think of what time of day you will be arriving in the LA area.

    I have made great time from Tucson to Riverside, and then gotten stuck in traffic all the way into Anaheim, and that is not fun! I also hate the traffic on I-10... too many trucks.

    I take I-10 to Eloy/Casa Grande, then take I-8 to San Diego. In El Cajon, I take the 125 north, then the 52 west, and then take the 805 north. This gets you around most of the San Diego traffic. The 805 merges with I-5 in Del Mar, and I take that all the way to Disneyland. Some of the stretches can be slow during rush hour, but I-5 is made for a high volume of traffic. It is a few miles more than the other route, but USUALLY is much less of a headache to drive.|||please find hereunder the driving directions to Disneyland, with google maps:

    Link: <>鈥?/a>

    Start address: Tucson, AZ
    End address: Disneyland 1313 S Harbor Blvd Anaheim, CA 92802

    Start at: Tucson, AZ

    1. Head north on N Campbell Ave toward E 5th St - 0.5 mi
    2. Slight left to stay on N Campbell Ave - 436 ft
    3. Turn left at E Speedway Blvd - 2.3 mi
    4. Turn right at N Fwy Rd (signs for Phoenix) - 3.5 mi
    5. Take the ramp on the left onto I-10 W Entering California - 402 mi
    6. Exit on the left onto CA-60 W/Moreno Valley Fwy toward Riverside Continue to follow CA-60 W - 23.0 mi
    7. Take exit 34B to merge onto I-215 S - 0.6 mi
    8. Continue on CA-91 W - 34.0 mi
    9. Take the exit onto CA-57 S toward Santa Ana - 2.4 mi
    10. Take exit 3 for Ball Rd - 0.3 mi
    11. Turn right at E Ball Rd - 2.1 mi
    12. Turn left at CA-72/S Harbor Blvd Destination will be on the right - 0.5 mi

    Arrive at: Disneyland 1313 S Harbor Blvd Anaheim, CA 92802


    That bozo is easily spotted as a nut job but still Clinton makes it equal to terrorism from the Middle East - the local Sheriff blasts the Right and everyone with a political agenda in between is woofing it up to promote their private agenda. The man is obviously a MASS MURDERER motivated by voices and urges that are in not of this world - HE IS NOT A TERRORIST; at best he is a paranoid schizophrenic. Get real folks.|||It is being politicized because a member of congress was involved and prior to the shooting there was some pretty tough talk against that member of congress. Thus people leap to conclusions.

    In addition, gun control laws are political issues, so people want to know why the republican lax gun control policy allowed a nut job to have a gun. Why didn't everyone at the rally have a gun and kill the guy before he got off a second shot?|||The left mistakenly believes that they can gain points by blaming this on conservatives. They think people will believe their lies and somehow that will translate into votes for their side. They also desperately want to shut down the most powerful voices of the opposition. They only believe in freedom of speech if it agrees with their political position. That sheriff has tainted the case and the jury pool with his opinions, and that, combined with his failure to protect the people who were killed and injured should cost him his job. A poll taken in the past couple of days shows that about 60% of the people of this country agree that this lunatic committed this crime because he's crazy, not because he listened to any conservative speech. I think that in the long run this whole thing will backfire on the people who have used this tragedy in an attempt to gain politically.|||It would not be politicized if the Congresswoman was a Republican. It would be considered the victim's fault.
    Nobody talked about gun control after the Ft. Hood Massacre. We were barely even able to talk about the fact that the dude was a radical Islamic. But A Democrat gets shot, and it's automatically Rush Limbaugh's fault.

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  • Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    Theres alot of people who have joined and are stationed where they want to live is this really the case most of the time? What do you have to do to be able to be stationed in a particular city or state?|||My sister wanted to be in Ca and they sent her to NJ....where are you getting your facts? Maybe they just got lucky. Air Force sends you wherever they want, at least the Navy tries to work with you, talk to them.|||You have to do some time in the service before you can choose where you'd like to go. Also, if they disagree, you could be sent anywhere they desire. Be sure that you want to have that loss of control of your life before joining and good luck.|||Depends on what's in your contract. There's Air Force bases all over the place, because they're tiny. I know there's one in Phoenix, but the chances of getting a specific base are slim if that.|||The absolute "nuts and bolts" of your question is where does the Air Force need you to be. IF you have been trained in a career field that is used at the Air Base close to Tucson, then it is possible that they might send you there. The need of the Air Force comes first and your desires a distant last. With time in service, and knowing the right people in your career field with a service record that makes you stand out as exemplary, you might get the chance to be stationed there.|||You can request to be stationed there. However, it's pretty unlikely that you'll get it. Unless there's an open slot for your MOS there or something along that line. Pretty much everything depends upon your MOS; though USAF BMT is always at Lackland AFB.|||Davis-Monthan AFB is in Tucson, AZ. Website is below.

    To be stationed at a base you must first have the AFSC rating needed at that base. (Does no good to be a qualified B1 mechanic if they do not have B1 Bombers at the base.) So first research the base and find out what kind of mission it has then try to get an AFSC that fits that mission.

    If you already have skills they need, such as doctor or nurse and they have openings there, you can pretty much write your own ticket. They will agree to send you there for 3 years, then they send you where they want at the end of the 3 years.

    But do not plan on "homesteading" at that base for any great length of time. Three years as about par, four years if you are lucky, but after that, expect to be shipped somewhere else.


    Say your birthday is September 17th. When would I be able to get me learners permit?|||I think it's 15 years and 7 months in AZ.|||15 and 8 months. You have to go to the court and get a application.


    You could try Total Wine, don't know if there's one in Tuscon but we have several in Phoenix. They have 8000 brands, if they don't have it they should be able to order it I would think.|||you can prolly just google it and order online, or just have a corona :)


    I have been looking for a Air Cabin Filter for my Hyuandi Tucson 2008 and haven't had any luck|||WIX Part # 24684

    according to and available from for $16.04+ship


    Do I need to remove some sort of shield to get to it? Thanks!|||Yes, there is a plate with 4 or 5 screws(12mm) plus 2 plastic clips to remove, crazy design.

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  • I have never been to Tucson and don't know anyone living there so I really don't know what to expect. I am looking to rent a house and am still job hunting online but am not having much luck with either.

    I would greatly appreciate anything anyone can tell me about Tucson, the good and the bad.|||I live in Tucson and moved here from Chicago 3 years ago.
    Cost of living is alot cheaper than what I had been used to but, so is the pay. ( it evens itself out ). I love living here because of the weather and scenery. Lots of decent apartments complexes and alot of homes available for rent. I first lived in the Catalina Foothills ( NE side ) which is considered to be the wealthy side of town. Not much crime there. I now live in Rita Ranch which is the SE side, also very nice. More of a small family orientated community. The south side of town would be considered the worst side of town. But, there are other areas that are no so nice either. You'll figure it out when you get here. There are alot of homeless people here ( due to the weather ) and there is a meth problem. But, if you stay in a decent area, it won't affect you. There is a Air Force base here, so lots of Military. There also is The University of Arizona. Not alot of nightlife unless you go downtown or by the University. Cool shops on Fourth St. ( Hippie-ish ) Lots of great restaurants all over. Especially if you like Mexican food. Mexico is only 1 hour away for Shopping. You can get great deals there. Mt Lemmon is a great scenic place to go. They have a ski area there ( when we have snow ) It's open right now. Hot and Dry in the summer, I love it ! Monsoon season is from July to August. A littler more humid and rain storms. When it rains here, it rains hard and there is flooding. But, it goes away quickly. Driving here is not bad. There are some congested areas and everyone speeds. If your not flooring your car, you better get out of the way. In the winter months, the snowbirds come. ( retired old people, coming from cold states ) They leave aroud March. Easy to meet people, people are freindly here. I love living here and I hope you will too !|||Tucson is great, but the traffic SUCKS! They never put in a freeway system, so everything off I-10 (which curves around the city) is surface streets. Depending on where you find a job, there are really great places to live. You'll find houses for rent all over, but the nicer ones will be in or around Rita Ranch. They are newer with new ones being built everyday, and there is always a lot for rent out there. If you work up north, live there. The northside is also very nice. It has tended to be the ritzier area of Tucson, so expect rent to be priced according to that. Tucson is in a valley, so it's surrounded by mountains. Mount Lemmon is close with recreation on it, but I can't really think of anything else. It is very dry and hot, with lots of desert landscaping. Don't go if you can't stand the thought of never seeing grass again. Overall, I really loved living in Tucson. I was a student at the time, so my perpective is a little skewed, but we still visit my in-laws there.|||Stay away from the south side.|||Why are you moving to Tucson? Unless you have a job at Raytheon, you will be flipping burgers, that is if you can beat a Mexican out with you superior qualifications, the unemployment rate is through the roof, it is a VERY difficult area to make a living. Hope you speak Spanish, you have to to get a job.|||First off, Welcome to Tucson!! (or soon to be) I grew up on the East side of Tucson, I love that area. It's far enough out of central Tucson so there's not all that high traffic of people.

    I would learn to have lots of patience with the drivers. It can sometimes get frustrating, especially if you are used to a fast paced environment. The speed limits are lower than normal, at least compared to Phoenix. Where are you coming from?

    A couple things I suggest doing.. when and if Mt. Lemmon gets snow on it this year, go take a day to enjoy the scenery. It's so beautiful up there, any time of the year. Take a peak at Colossal Cave too. I'll put their link below for you to read about it.

    One thing that is hard to find and that's a good mechanic. The place I trust to take my car to get worked on is Brake Max on Swan and Camp Lowell. Ask for Bud.. very nice guy. 520-318-4000. I actually live in Scottsdale now and I still drive to Tucson to get my car fixed.

    Oh and I cannot forget about Eegee's. It's a tradition that every time I come to town, I have to get an Eegee. Pina Colada is my favorite. It's hard to describe what exactly an eegee is.. it's like an shaved ice drink.. but better!

    There isn't a whole lot that happens in Tucson. I guess it also depends on how you look at it... you might like a more quiet city. Oh and I don't know why.. but the hip thing to do is cruise Speedway and hang out by your car.. don't know why but I guess that's how people occupy their time.

    Anyway good luck with the job hunting!|||go to south side an mix wit dem gangstas, then u get backup in case some weirdos give u a hard time


    My school has some and i want to plant them at home. give me good links!|||Here is a list of nurseries in your area where you could buy some.鈥?/a>|||They don't like to list their inventory , so here is a list that you can call . Good luck !~鈥?/a>


    The guy was just bat**** insane, nothing else. He was an evil man who killed a little girl, nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't matter if he was left or right, he was just a rotten human being. I don't believe in torture, but I'd make a special case for this guy. Ship him off to Guantanamo.|||Any one with a conscience.|||But there was more to it than him just being insane. You can't just say "nothing else". There was a motive behind it, he didn't just randomly kill a politician simply because he was crazy. He probably is crazy, but that wasn't his motive for doing it. His motive for doing it is very relevant to why it occurred. I'm sick of people trying to brush a political shooting under the rug and lump it together with random spree killings like it's another Andrew Cunanan.|||I find myself agreeing with you in that, not much mention is being made of the Innocent that was killed in the crazies shooting spree. The fact that the judge was killed and other at the scene were killed and injured there is still very little mention being made of a young child at the beginning of her life that's no longer with us. There is and should not be any politicization of this incident, there was a child killed and no one should forget it!|||I am sick of it. Ya the guy was just insane i don't even think he conforms to any modern day political party but idiots try to further their agendas by blaming the other side. Crazy though that they don't even care about the fact 6 people got killed. My condolences go out to those families.|||I know. After Glenn Beck said that we needed armed revolution to stop the communists and Sharon Angle said that we needed "Second Amendment Solutions" and Perry in Texas called for armed revolution if the Republicans didn't win the Senate and Sarah Palin Created a hit list of 19 traitors - why are the liberals claiming that somehow Conservatives are to blame?|||I was sick of it when I saw all the liberals blaming it on Sarah Palin and asserting that the shooter is a Tea Partier.

    This is exactly like Joe Stack all over again. They all said he was a Tea Partier, too.

    Some still do.|||Me! Me!
    Hi, namesake
    I'm going to tell everyone of these people that they are trolls. Conservative and liberal demagogue alike, they need to be called trolls over and over again. Ugly, hideous trolls.|||Yes, right? There are peaceful demonstrations of political beliefs every day and they get no time in the news. Now this crap happens and everyone wants to blame everyone. I've seen no one support this guys cause what so ever at this point.|||Why would you make a special case of this guy. Thousands of people are murdered every day and you don't see the government do anything more than try and take your ability to defend yourself away.|||I am

    It looks like Conservatives are trying awfully hard to convince Y/A posters that he was a Liberal.

    It looks like he was just deranged with Libertarian leanings.|||He was a lone nut case, nothing political about it. I bet he would have done this if the congresswoman was there or not.|||Um.......

    A US Representative was shot today and nearly killed. Isn't that political enough for you?|||Wrong he was incited by far left propaganda...|||Not me.

    Liberals must be stopped from using this tragedy as a way to advance their politics.|||Where were you when the Cons went nuts over the Discovery Channel bomber?|||I agree.|||I agree, except for the GITMO part.


    It's getting a bit worm to walk the dogs through the neighborhood and I am wondering if anyone knows of some nice shady trails or parks that are dog friendly. They will be on leashes so that is not an issue. It would preferably be something in or near Oro Valley. Thanks|||I remember when that was the outskirts of it's kinda like a major metropolis! There's a trail up to Finger rock...but it's a little rugged. I would suggest going around the end toward peppersauce cave...but it's probably a booming city by now.|||i love walking through Sedona! its amazing and its in a canyon so its shadey and very beautiful. Of course thats really far so maybe just google it. Is there a forest in neer tucson? I live in flagstaff so i just walk through the forest|||I also live in Arizona, and it's hard to find a place to walk your dog during the summer. I suggest you walk your dog very early in the morning or the evening. i walk my grown dog in the evenings, when is not to hot. i take her to the park.


    I am trying to find a last minute way, train or bus probably, to get to Tucson from Durango without spending too much money. There is no amtrak station in durango and they greyhound took over a day and cost $ 500 . any suggestions?|||Check Craigslist Rideshare. Usually people split the gas. You could get part way there and take a bus. It is so much faster. |||Clueless|||CAR, TRAIN, BUS, HORSE, WAGON, OR AIR PLANE, OR ANYTHING!!!|||the cheapest airline in the world|||hitch hike?? And why do you wanna leave Durango? It's an awesome city, Fort Lewis is not that bad. And what's in tucson besides, cactus and more cactus?? Scared of the winter weather?? hahah ^_^ really honestly, i wouldn't try hitch hiking, try idk, booking it with a friend to drive you down there..P.S. don't you have a car?|||get a cheap plane ticket offline!!! it works 4 me!!!

    plus guys PLEASE PLEASE answer my question:;_ylt=Agq8EXqcwJWI.CyTGpO2qaDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081006154706AAsZGT9
    |||Try this鈥?/a>
    Put DRO in the space for your departure city
    Put TUS in the space for your arrival city and see what happens
    Good luck

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  • I am feeling very lonely right now. Does anyone know where I could go to buy sex from an attractive prostitute and how much it would cost?|||You would most likely find her walking the street or on her back or knees.|||Tucson I don't know but just to give you a perspective, you can get a woman here in the Orlando market for $ 25 - 30 and a guy for $ 20 - 25. Be careful about undercover cops though - if it's a guy hustler you usually pick him up when he is (supposedly) hitching a ride, but before saying anything about money, ask him to prove he is not a cop by unzipping himself and letting you touch his unit. If he turns out to be the filth, he will always refuse because then it is entrapment, and the case gets thrown out of court (if the a***hole has the shamelessness to proceed in the first place). Women, I don't know since I have never been with one (and I am 41 years old). I just know the going rate by asking my str8 guy friends as I tend to be curious. Hope this helps !!|||Male or female?|||in jail!|||in a dumpster
    for free
    they usually have beards


    I'm a die-hard White Sox fan and i can't seem to find any clothes to show my pride for my team. All the stores in Tucson only sell Arizona baseball shirts. Any suggestions on where to go?|||Use your search engine and type in CWS shirts and follow the links.

    It shouldn't be too difficult to find a store in Tucson using Yahoo or Google.|||First off, thanks for representing the Chicago White Sox down in Arizona. 2010 will be special. has a great shop, although it can be a bit pricey with shipping. However, I have heard that the new facility in Glendale is nice and when I went to ST games a couple years back, they had team shops there.

    Otherwise, that's all I can help you with. Sox Pride!


    We just moved to the area and we have a small child. I've heard stories of snakes and scorpions getting into the house. I was wanting to know of any things I can do to prevent this from happening and the likelihood of it happening. Please only people who are familiar with the area answer. And serious answers only! Thanks!|||The only thing you have to worry about inside a home is scorpions. Rattlesnakes will almost always warn you before they strike, and I've never heard of rattlers getting into homes. Scorpions can be a problem because you may not even see them before you step on them. There are also gila monsters, but I've only seen one in my life.|||Throughout most of the city, your only real trouble would be bark scorpions. It's an unfortunate coincidence that the only local scorpion capable of climbing walls is also the most venomous, especially to young kids. Rattlesnakes would be around the edges of town as well. In both instances, keep your yard free of debris and avoid areas of standing water. A leaky drip system is a great place for scorpions, black widows, and all associated prey (an even bigger draw). If you do see a bark scorpion, it might be good to just call an exterminator.

    If you do live near the edge of town, get ahold of me on the referring site and I can tell you all you need to know about your local snakes, how to avoid them, and anything else you need to know. I do capture/relocation work in Phoenix, and frequent the Tucson area to find wild snakes.|||The only bad critters are the ones who come from Ca wanting to take Arizona down the tubes like they did the state that they came from|||They aren't that bad. You just need to keep an eye on your child. Maybe get some scorpion repellant.


    if u drive without having a drivers license but have a permit and not taken the test yet but you can what happens if you get caught?|||A pretty hefty fine, 2 points, possible revocation of your permit (if under 18 you run the risk of being unable to get your license back until age 18 or 21- depending on which age AZ uses)|||With out a licensed adult of the proper age? You find out what times the buss runs for the next few years as well as paying some hefty fines, towing fees and storage fees for a month


    So im turning 16 and my parents said that i can rent a limo and go anywhere that day with some of my friends, the thing is i have to clue where we can go! I need help fast! I need some where fun where there would be loud music that we can dance and have a great time. I wouldn't mind bedrocks but thats bowling.. Help Please!|||.Don't you think,since your parents made such a generous suggestion.Wouldn't their input be more valuable

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  • The college where it was memorial was staged, there were free T shirts over the back of each chair, what did the T shirts say?|||The tee-shirts proclaimed the banal message of "Together We Thrive" like some cheap kumbaya Ripple wine inspiration. The political theater of what was supposed to be a memorial to people who had died was a ghastly specter throwing a circus-like atmosphere over the whole thing.|||Did you ever see anything like it ??? Applause, cheers and even whistling, and instead of asking the crowd to "cool it,show some respect 'Obama went right into campaign mode ,the t-shirts were a disgrace ,and Obie should have insisted they be put away.All that ceremony needed was Sasha and Malia selling popcorn and lemonade...I would have gotten up and walked out of that Obama rally !!!!|||That is weird! When was the last time you attended a memorial service and got a free t-shirt? Together we Thrive? I saw a post with a picture of each of the 6 people who were killed, it said 'Together we died' Isn't that more appropriate? What kind of people make a souvenir for a memoral service?|||It hardly matters.. at his little memorial/pep rally there should have been no t shirts or cheering or political talk.

    Barry cannot resist a crowd tho.. and his pretence of feeling bad was laughable.

    T shirts should have said " Kiss my A ss, America.. I intend to screw you so bad"|||The shirts were designed, ordered, paid for, and distributed by the University of Arizona. The White House has nothing to do with it.|||Wow! Obama even has his minions at University of Arizona brass, ever ready to pounce on any campaign or campaign-related opportunity. The left seems to have mastered propaganda usage like any good Nazi; what's next? Obama Youth similar to Hitler Youth? Scary!|||Here's a good article about those "free" t-shirts.鈥?/a>|||"Together We Thrive: Tucson and America"

    And it wasn't the President, it was the college who made them and passed them out.

    Edit: Thumbs down? For the truth?|||OBAMA SUCKS|||VOTE FOR ME IN 2012!!!!|||never let a good tragedy go to waist, Isn't that the liberal way?|||It was written for a purpose to let the state know the country was in mourning and praying for them I thought it was heartwarming.|||was the shoot-out staged also ,you know you cons can't face reality|||He didn't give them away.|||lick bush '88


    boss is willing to pick him up but he lives in marana az and was planning to pick him up but i dont think he will since its at valencia and park.|||two words: Jerry Springer


    I have a parking ticket in Tucson AZ but my car only has dealer plates on it. on my ticket they still put in a number in the licence plate section? and they put down the vin. if they only have the vin number could i still get charged fyi. the car is from a wholesale auction and is on its 3rd owner and origionated in Jersey so it has a mixed record thanks.|||The dealer plate can not be traced back to a specific person. The VIN can, which is why they used it instead.

    The VIN can easily be traced back to the dealer. When the dealer sees the time, date, and vehicle information, he can identify you as the driver. By that time, the cost of the ticket will be at least double.|||"only have the vin"??? That number is better than *any* license plate number could *ever* hope to be. And that number *never* changes, and will show each and every owner and owners to be. Yes, you can, and WILL, be charged.


    I am looking to buy par baked 16" and 18" pizza crusts in bulk. Thank You!|||I've never actively looked for it here, but if someone you know belongs to Costco or Sam's Club, I would try there.


    We've never been there. We like quiet, not too much traffic, nice but not 'upscale.

    Thanks for your input.|||I would suggest the outter areas, specifically Northwest, North, Northeast and East. You may want to check out Oro Valley or Cortaro, they are both cities that blend into Tucson. Another area that may have rentals is on the West side (get your map out!) Greasewood/Anklam Area (West of Greasewood and North of Anklam) and Silverbell/Grant Area (West of Silverbell and Norh of Grant). If you stay Central, The houses near the UofA are hit and miss off of Campbell/Speedway and its busier but this is a nice area. Also anything North of River Rd is very nice.|||I would suggest contacting my aunt- she has a number of vacation rentals available- possible in Tucson- she would have the information on all the properties in that area.

    She has Orlando FL ones though (around 15-18 places in Florida), She has some in TX, Branson MO, NV, NM, Washington, St. Maartin, Royal Palm Beach, Antillas, Philipsburg, Flamingo Beach, 12 resorts in California....

    Just ask- chances are she'll have it.
    It's a great winter getaway and with her, it will be a very affordable price, because she just needs to get rid of the extra points so they don't lose money.

    Her contact info is on the website, but it's Pam Bickel 724-614-7963 or her cell is 724-992-9525

    Hope this helps :) ~Jorene

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  • I am almost 16 and I participate in Civil Air Patrol. A huge part of CAP is search and rescue and emergency management. I would really love to get my EMT so I can have that higher level of training.|||Arizona uses the NREMT for testing. You must be 18.鈥?/a>


    I am driving up to Oak Harbor in December (around the 20th) from Tucson Arizona. I want to take the safest route where we will avoid bad weather that would make driving hazardous. I am driving a 1990 cadillac up there...It's not the most reliable car.|||best route to take would be I-10 to LA and then I-5 north from there. you will only have one big mountain pass to go over (siskyou pass) at the the CA OR state line. If you don't trust your car to go that far I WOULD FLY! however if you drive please take along a survival kit. you will need some high cal foods, candles, blankets, water, flashlight, cell phone with charger, extra clothes, and a deck of cards. These items will help you survive if you get stuck in a storm. Make sure you have good tires on your car. Normally i would recommend chains, but since you are from AZ i would recommend this - if you have to chain up - hole up. it would be better for you to spend the night somewhere than risk it driving through a storm.


    Ok, so ima guy & i wanna go to a actual HIP HOP class, like iCONic from abdc. i wish i could go to there studio but unfortunatly i love in boring *** Tucson AZ. does anyone know of any good hip hop dance classes. or like 'crews' ? and please dont give me any studios that arent good in ACTUAL hip hop. like i said, something like ICON in new jersey.|||No such thing as hip hop in AZ|||If your one of those people that come here with 2 accounts so they can give themselves best answer so they can try and advertise their business, I will find you, and I will rape you.

    If not, no I dont know any, sorry


    I WANT TO GROW GRASS IN MY YARD BUT NEED TO KNOW WHAT TYPE OF SEED TO USE . I LIVE IN TUCSON AZ AND WANT SOMETHING THAT CAN TAKE THE WEATHER HERE, WHAT ABOUT MERION BLUE?|||I think Merion Blue would be a good variety to have and use. It is known to be very heat resistant.

    If you need any further guidance you might want to check with the
    Agricultural Extension Office.

    Phone: (520) 621-7205

    Good luck!|||You might want to consider using native landscaping/xeriscaping rather than putting in a "lush" lawn. This will take significantly less water and care, and still be something great to look at.|||You might want to contact a local golf course and ask them. I don't know how they do it, but even in the middle of the desert they can grow lush, perfect lawns all summer. And, I'm sure a lot has to do with the grass type.


    I've been interested in this type of dance for a while now and I just want to know if there are any places in town where you can actually learn it?|||Try Bally's. Here in FL there's a Bally's Gym that i went to a few years ago and they taught it there alot of gyms do. Also some local strip clubs do offer classes early in the evening. You'll have to call and check. If nothing else a strip club employee should be able to help you find someone.|||Sekse parties has a rep in Tucson and is available for pole dancing parties or private lessons. Lots of fun!

    Report Abuse

    |||check out this website!

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    tramp mart|||They teach this?|||yea at a strip club with all the other pole dancers.... duh|||oh whele thats nice just remember 98% of ppl who do that stuff becomes a tramp|||?????????????????????????
    sorry|||No! Be creative and learn moves yourself you dont want all these moves that someone else knows.Common now|||I can't believe you wanna do this, they are gonna turn you into a slut but anyways...a good club would do.

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  • I understand the Republicans opposing Obama, but these instances are a little too extreme.|||he didnt want to cry.|||They were saying on the radio that he skipped out to attend a "cocktail party" (drinking party) and felt that was more important than the memorial and he didn't want to be anywhere near President Obama. Orange Man does look like he could be an alkie. He just has that drunk look all the time. Whatever, he wasn't missed pfft.|||I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. WhenI seen Boehner, I thought...he looks like he could be racist. But...I said, give the man the benefit of the doubt, looks aren't always what they seem, so I said i'll wait and see......Yep, He's a racist alright!|||Conservatives are halted at the Tucson city limits. If you're found to be a conservative in Tucson, you are guilty of violating a city ordinance of some kind.|||After promising to only fly coach, he couldn't go on Air Force One and was having trouble finding a flight.|||Perhaps he was as disgusted as I was that Obama turned a solemn occasion into a political rally.|||Why would he attend an Obama 2012 presidential kick off rally.|||It was a fundraiser for the RNC. He's just showing his priorities.


    Are there any ChaCha guides that live in Tucson or Phoenix Arizona that would be willing to be interviewed via phone for a news article that I'm writing?

    I am a student journalist and need contacts that live in Tucson or Phoenix. Thanks!|||my bf is one. i will check with him and see if he is interested in being interviewed. he lives in scottsdale. if you have any typed out questions i can e-mail them to him and send you his replies.


    i live in tucson and me and my friends want to get out tongues pierced but niether my mom or their moms let us until we are 18 and i dnt wanna wait that long soo plz help!!!!|||The only reason you would ever need to get a tongue pierced is if you are a hooker and your pimp required it for your job.
    They are dangerous and tacky. Dangerous because of the risk of infection, aspiration ( getting the metal in your lungs), they will cause the enamel to chip off your teeth and your teeth will decay, necessitating fillings or crowns on most of your teeth.
    They are tacky because they announce to anyone you talk to that you are more concerned with giving men pleasure during oral sex than respecting yourself. You can not speak without it clicking against your teeth and you will lisp and sound like you are wearing dentures.
    And lastly, tongue piercing hurts like hell! The tongue has more nerve endings per square millimeter than anyplace in your body.
    If you found a place that would even do it without parental permission you shouldn't trust them. They are likely to use unsterile conditions, not treat you if complications arise and not carry liability insurance if you lose your tongue.|||Well then if you are not 18, you shouldn't have that account now should you?


    I want to go visit my sister but dont want to take a airplane, is there any other way? Thanks!!|||AMTRAK does go from LA to Tucson. Reasonable fares, nice train ride.|||Yes. The train you would board is the "Sunset Limited". It departs L.A. at 2:30 p m and arrives in Tucson at 1:35 a m .. The fare ranges from $38.00 each way to $74.00 each way.|||Try buses, they're very cheap! around 130 round trip, try either greyhound or just google and see whats in the area.


    I am going with my little sister for her first trick or treating I used to go but I forgot around what time it usually starts at it's been like four years. So when does it start at and does every one have candy to give out. If not how would I know what houses to go to. We don't live in a gated community either where everyone does Halloween.|||I live in AZ too. It usually starts around 6pm, whenever it starts getting dark. You will know which houses have candy if their porch light is on. That's why wait til dark so can see the porch lights. Hope this helps!|||It varies. In our city it was 5-7 pm today. Some cities around here had it yesterday. Some are from 1-4 pm to avoid darkness. It is up to the local government.

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  • I am not saying what he did was right, by any means. But from everything I've read and seen on the news, it sounds like Loughner has some mental illnesses.

    If someone would have helped him, providing he had mental illnesses, then maybe none of this would have happened in the first place?|||More to be pitied really.Such a shame for everyone including him that this wasn't picked up on.Giffords was actually actively trying to help stop the rise in mentally ill youths slipping through the net.|||Feel sorry for the kid who was shot in the Tucson shooting.

    Haven't heard any news about the killer - yes most have mental illnesses who do these things and are to be ultimately pitied, but they do actually have a choice and I side with the innocent bystanders at these events (not too close though)...|||I feel very sorry for everyone involved in the situation ~ and their families ~ also I do believe if he had been helped ~ this may well have not happened ~ I also think it would not have happened if it had not been so easy to buy a gun ~ I do think gun laws should be stricter ~|||Think of it as a continuum with the average person in the middle. If someone is really, really nice, we don't say they are mentally ill. Why do we always say a person really, really mean, is mentally ill? Perhaps this person is just mean. I suppose it is easier to call these people mentally ill, then to say they are human, and that humans can sometimes be evil.|||I feel more sorry for the 59,916 who died horrible deaths in Vietnam for the 42,000 who died i nthe cold in Korea and for the 360,000 young boys who died in ww2.


    I'm looking for a photographer. I want someone talented but I'm on a tight budget. I like the newer types of camera angles, I'm looking for someone who has recently started up in the Tucson, Arizona area. I don't want to hire a company or group, individuals only.|||You might try a message board for the Tuscon area or


    I want to buy a car that can go far without putting gas every 100 miles|||I would say the Hyundai. Either wayI would also check the vehicle history first. CARFAX is a ripoff. I always use CHEAPVINSEARCH.COM. They are a relatively new site so not too many people know about them, but I think they are just a reseller of autocheck. But it only costs 9.99 and if you are spending a couple thousand on a car its def worth it. You might to get the car checked out by a mechanic for 200 dollars this could save you a lot of money in the future.|||Ford Escape.

    One thing about gas mileage. No matter what car you drive, you have to be easy on the accelerator to keep fuel economy. Even if you drive a really small fuel efficient car, you can make it burn gas like crazy if you hit the accelerator hard when coming off a stop or going up a hill, etc.

    I say go with the ford not only because ford has the best quality cars in the world now (just recently surpassed Toyota as number 1), but you're also keeping jobs in north america and supporting the north american auto makers, their employees and keeping money in your local economy instead of the asian economy.


    It didn't even finish its first season and I thought it was a good show.
    Is it because American Dad was first and Sons of Tucson took the time-slot?|||Because no one watches it.|||Ratings not good enough

    "Sons Of Tucson, increased to a 2.0 rating last Sunday. Considering how well The Cleveland Show has done in a similar timeslot, Fox has to be thinking it can do better with a different show next season." ( March 30th post)鈥?/a>|||The ratings were low but from what I've read it's not canceled but on hiatus. This mean they may be doing some changes, moving it to another time slot, or deciding on the future of the show. I watched it once and I actually liked it. I was surprised when it was no longer on the next week.
    Maybe they will bring it back on.|||Because no one watched it, all new Fox shows start on Sunday and then get placed midweek if they do well, it was never intended to stay on the cartoon block Sunday.|||low ratings, and because FOX is notorious for not giving new shows much of a chance.


    If (more like 'when') the National Collectors Mint comes out with a commemorative coin set to capitalize off another national tragedy.
    A Coin with the images of each of the murder victims, on the reverse side is images particular to Arizona. (Such as the state bird, state flower, etc)|||No, thats taking things a bit far.

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  • If (more like 'when') the National Collectors Mint comes out with a commemorative coin set to capitalize off another national tragedy.
    A Coin with the images of each of the murder victims, on the reverse side is images particular to Arizona. (Such as the state bird, state flower, etc)|||Absolutely! As long as the shooter and Sheriff Dupnik were included in the set.|||Will you buy a commemorative coin set when your mother, father, child, husband or siblings are mercilessly shot? I will hope that happens so you can have your nice coin set.|||No, but I believe all of the Obama cult followers at his exaltation last night would buy it to remember the time they actually saw their Messiah with their own eyes.|||If they come lovingly hand painted.|||No, and I didn't buy one from 9/11.|||I'd get more use out of the T shirt. And if I could get Obuma to autograph it! Wow! eBay here I come!|||thats about the right level


    If (more like 'when') the National Collectors Mint comes out with a commemorative coin set to capitalize off another national tragedy.
    A Coin with the images of each of the murder victims, on the reverse side is images particular to Arizona. (Such as the state bird, state flower, etc)|||Absolutely! As long as the shooter and Sheriff Dupnik were included in the set.|||Will you buy a commemorative coin set when your mother, father, child, husband or siblings are mercilessly shot? I will hope that happens so you can have your nice coin set.|||No, but I believe all of the Obama cult followers at his exaltation last night would buy it to remember the time they actually saw their Messiah with their own eyes.|||If they come lovingly hand painted.|||No, and I didn't buy one from 9/11.|||I'd get more use out of the T shirt. And if I could get Obuma to autograph it! Wow! eBay here I come!|||thats about the right level


    Calf-Manna is a proven concentrated supplement for several species of animals that, when added to ordinary daily rations, makes a big difference in overall performance. Calf-Manna is fed to everything from growing and performance horses, to cattle, rabbits, goats, poultry and swine.|||Tractor Supply sells that, its called UNIMILK and it is made by Manna Pro (the calf manna company) I use it and really like it.

    I think there are quite a few Tractor supply stores in Tucson, you can look them up at the tractor supply store locator website.


    I want to move there in mid-2008. I don't care whether my roommates are white, black, or whatever. Just being clean, responsible, and nice is good enough.|||craigslist|||Graig's list


    What type of engine oil do i put in a 111bhp crtd engine tucson? Many thanks :)|||Go to, tap in your info, and there you have it.|||This leaves me to wonder if, in the quest for better mpg, did they reduce the weight of the car by not providing an owner's manual.||| / all your automotive needs|||Probably vegetable oil|||Castrol is the best to go with in the current times. But its better if you ask the Hyundai Service Center first.|||Whatever it says in the handbook.|||no ,you don't

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  • why did fox show the Obama Tucson memorial on broadcast tv, fox television never shows Obama's special talks on broadcast tv before, why now?|||by odds, everyone must do SOMETHING decent once in their lives|||It was a big surprise to me also, especially since CBS and other channels did not show the entire ceremony. MSNBC covered the entire ceremony and their follow up was terrific.|||Did anyone think it was for the victims and their families not a photo op for Obama|||Maybe they're making a genuine effort to be a professional news outlet. Don't think too hard about that one, you'll hurt yourself.|||For the ratings of course!!!!!


    My Tucson has been working perfectly fine since I got it new in 2005. Today I needed a jump at the car wash because my battery died. I talked about it with my dad, and he recommended gently tapping the battery's clamps with a hammer to knock off any gunk that may be blocking the connection...or replacing the battery and starting fresh in that area. Considering that it has been five years, would a new battery be the way to go?|||hey sounds like ur battery is going out but check your charging system at a local autozone or parts store for free:
    battery: clean,free of acid post tighten?
    alternator:is it charging anymore, is the power hooked up or wiring
    wiring to battery and alternator:free from acid are thighten
    it can be both, u can buy a 1million dollar battery but if the alternator is not working then its worthless so check both|||Go to the parts store of your choice, they will test the battery. 5 years off of an original battery is good. You should have no complaints on changing it out. Always keep the terminal connections clean.|||Crystale,
    If your battery is five years old i would not hesitate to purchase a new one and not get stranded again........Batteries normaly do not last five years so you got more out of yours than most batteries......hope this helps....|||i would get it tested, but maybe you just left your lights on and it drained it.


    I am looking for the best place to live in Tucson. Help!|||The best area would be the Northeast or " foothills " not exactly the most affordable. More affordable areas would be the eastside and southeast.
    The most unsafe area would be the southwest side. I've lived in the both the foothills and in the southeast side, I never had any problems and always felt safe.
    Look at Tucson police website and click on crime statistics, type in an address or zipcode and it will give you details about crime activity in that area.|||none insofar as I know!

    Report Abuse


    If the nut bag killer is a Democrat or Conservative? Most on here could care less why or even about the victims they just want to find out the killer/s political affiliation so they can attempt to make the " other side " look bad or more to the point make their side look better by comparison rather than the why or how this could happen?|||your right...and its very sad.sorry for my part.but i guess we just cant help.but like you i don't care who he voted for or what...he was wrong as two left shoes.|||A conservative HAS to The first thing a lib cries for when some tragedy like this happens is to scream for gun control. Aloon or a criminal will ALWAYS find a way to get a gun. Yet, as it's being shown by this nut & the Ft Hood shooter, there were plenty of signs of their lunacy yet political correctness prevented anything being done to STOP them.|||Agreed. I've taken a couple of stabs myself, but you're right. I don't believe liberal values or conservative values, or either political party values, in their original intent, intend to incite this type of violence. Simply put, a heinous crime was committed, and the perpetrator will be brought to justice.|||We are trying to educate the YA conservatives who haven't even taken the time to research Gifford's politics.

    Besides, visit a political debate forum and you are likely to find just that.|||'s good to see someone else who notices this; like I said in another question, political affiliation doesn't outweigh the fact that the guy was a murderer. We shouldn't politicize the victims' plights.|||tell that to a democrat


    Saturday, March 3, 2012

    Just when you thought he couldnt get any more disgusting he gives a campaign rally speech at this memorial. I just dont see any hope for this ego maniac do you?|||For one thing if anyone watched the news they would know that the University chose where to have the event and it was also the University who invited President Obama to be the main speaker. If you really watched it you would know that they cheered for every single person who spoke both republican and democrat speakers were a part of the service and they all received cheers.

    It is really sad when people cannot even pause for a moment to see how bad we all need to respect and love each other more. So many people are trying to turn a beautiful speech full and hope and memories of the fallen into a campaign rally speech when there was nothing that could even be compared to a campaign rally speech. People like that clearly do not have any respect for the fallen because that speech was about them and hope for the American people to come together so that by appreciating and loving each other more we can avoid tragedies like this in the future.

    You cannot control a crowd of people who want to celebrate the lives of lost members of their community. They have every right to do so and it is wrong for people to assume the negative when everyone can use this to make America that much better. We need to spread love instead of assumptions, tension, discord, lies and typical negative speaking. Because those things will never make us or this country better.

    If the Lord came back today how many people would fall short of the Glory or be left behind simply because they refused to see the good in other people?|||I don't have a problem with what he said but, like you, I question whether the venue was correct for a "memorial service". And why did he wait five days to say what he should have said at least three days earlier when that idiot Sheriff was blaming conservative rhetoric for what the shooter did?

    It will be interesting to see if Obama meant what he said, or if it's back to politics as usual.|||No, he is just so arrogant that he thought it would be alright to just combine the two.. I mean after all, who is more important than him.

    Big speech, thee young girls, who were planted did the right amount of screaming... the loud applause, so incorrect for what should have been a solemn occasion and then to top it all off. Shirts.

    My God, this man has no class and no shame!|||You mustnt have seen the memorial, everyone I know loved what Obama said and how much feeling and sensitivity he put in it. You just hate him and there isnt anything he could do to suit you.|||He's a Democrat, what did you expect? Remember Senator Paul Wellstone's funeral? They practically turned that into in political fundraiser. Socialist LIberals have no class or tact what so ever.|||Give us examples in his speech that's political. Oh, you can't? Because there wasn't.|||examples please or are you an insecure republican troll?|||ill be lovin u long time
    ill be lovin u long time
    long as i know u have me
    ill be lovin u long time
    ill be lovin u long time
    :]]|||Nice try, republican.|||There was no campaigning about it.Did we watch the same speech?

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  • Will be visiting Tucson and would like to know of some restaurants that serves food that is healthy and tasty as well. But doesn't cost a fortune to eat there. Can you tell about your experience with service whether it was good or bad too. And suggest a dish that you enjoyed and the price. Thank You.|||Ummmm ... Try Subway or Quiznos or even Super Salad. ooops those are places in Texas.|||None but you can watch the Racheal Ray show and get a couple of recipes.


    I'm moving to Tucson, AZ for work soon and I've been researching ISPs for good DSL service with no luck. They're either all dial-up, don't have service in my area, or have really negative reviews. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!|||I think Qwest, Cox, or Comcast seem to be your options. Qwest and Cox are pretty much everywhere in Tucson but Comcast isn't in all Tucson areas.
    Hopefully Comcast will be in the area you move to, because I recommend them over the others. We currently use Qwest and while we don't have any major issues with them, if you network a few computers in the same house, we have to reset the router at least once a day.
    They all offer bundle packages so I would see which one gives you the best value! good luck!


    Is the Hotel at Tucson liable for the stolen cash left at their safe?
    There was no control of people getting in /out of the safe麓s room. Keys were very common and easy to get spare ones.
    Who is liable ; the Hotel or their insurance Company?
    How to proceed?|||Yes...and it IS an inside job.|||YOU have beenstolen from the safe? Presumably you escaped or youw ouldn;t be typing this now ;-)

    If you mean that you had money stolen from the safe in a hotel...YOU deal with the hotel - they can deal with their insurance. If you have no joy with them, go to the police.|||If you were given a receipt for the cash, they have to reimburse you...Insurance company is who you should deal with if the mgmt. won't help you...


    I am moving Tucson this August. Is there anybody know which part of Tucson is safe to live?|||stay north and east...


    I want my child to a good school , but all the good ones are outside my district.|||yes just fight it and you can get your child in the school you want

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  • I'm wondering if it's possible to buy some Tucson front bumper guards + running boards and install them on a 2006 model.|||What area you live around? Are you looking for OEM parts? It helps with pricing.


    Running boards around $850, front bumper guard at around $650, rear bumper guard around $550. All in CAD. If you e-mail me I will be able to give you special prices. I still have some in stock and I live around same area as you.

    P.S. You must have the model with 2 tone body color otherwise, the parts will not fit (side cladding). Running boards will have a big gap and rear bumper will melt under the heat created by muffler.


    a Palin/Beck supporter and one possible accomplice he met at Tea Party gatherings|||Are you asking how many died or how many participated?

    If your asking about the dead, the official number is 5 at this time.

    If your asking about the number of participants, right now there is one in custody and the police are looking for someone else, they don't know if he was involved in the shooting or a co-conspirator.|||At least one. The second person appeared in surveillance photos; just a possible connection. It's too early to consider a relation to rightwing kooks.|||6, A tragic event,|||Several.|||one Palin supporter|||one shooter with a possible accomplice|||Its called the internet, use it|||Six ranging from 9 years old,to 76.|||one left winger


    I'm going to get my first tattoo and I want it done right. I have heard a lot from different people and I just wanted to know where the best quality and price is. I definately want quality over price, but if two places are the best then the cheaper one would be nice. thank you|||The Enchanted Dragon Inc|||yea.....DUNNO!!!


    TMC is one of the best prenatal hospitals in Tucson and I don't understand why no doctor will attempt VBACS. A c/s is just as risky (in other ways of course) as a VBAC. Does anyone knoe if a doctor in Tucson will do VBACS and does anyone in Tucson have some success stories for me to lift my spirits?|||Find a midwife!!

    You can find both CNM (Certified Nurse-Midwives) and CPM (Certified Professional Midwives) in your area if you cannot find a doctor that does VBAC. There are certain hospital systems that don't "allow" VBACs based on their profit margins alone. A repeat C-section gives them at least $10,000 more in revenue than a VBAC...not to mention that scheduled C-section babies have a higher rate of a NICU admission (more money). They are the ones dictating what the docs can and cannot do. As far as the safety... the Mayo Clinic encourages VBAC and if the foremost medical facility in North America is saying it's okay- well then, case closed on safety!! Some smaller hospitals say they aren't able to do VBACs because they can't do a stat C-section quickly enough should a complication arise...well, maybe they shouldn't be doing OB if they can't get a stat section together quick enough!
    Find a local chater of ICAN and see who they recommend!
    Best wishes!|||I think your doctor is a liar!!! A lot of doctors encourage VBACs. I'd call around and do my own investigating.|||The reaosn they don't do it, is becaues their malpractice insurance doesn't cover it. There are several states that don't preform them ANYWHERE. In Oklahoma, only 1 hospital does them, which is luckily where I'm able to go, but bottom line is...if there isn't a doctor that will do them, there isn't a doctor that will do them. It isn't just the doctor, it is the hospital you go to, a lot of doctors say you're a good candidate, BUT there isn't anywhere that will let THEM do it. You need to call aroudn yourself to all the hospitals within a reasonable distance, because your doctor might not be pro VBAC and is just telling your BS. See what they say. I'm pro VBAC and definitely would be crushed if I coudln't have one, but I also wouldn't go to a midwife or a birthing center in fear of complications (60% of VBAC attempts end in emergency C-sections, I'd like to be near a hospital if that happens).|||Look for a Certified Nurse Midwife who is in practice with physicians (as back up).

    I would also like to point out that in no way do you have to consent to a c-section. You can just choose not to schedule the surgery and wait for labor to start. Your doctor / hospital will have no choice but to deliver you. Their liability / insurance means nothing as long as they document that you did not consent to surgery.|||Oh Lord help you! Your doctor IS a liar. OK, maybe that's a bit harsh, but still.

    I would get on some message boards, put the word out and call a midwife to see if you can get some support. It is possible, as you know. Even if you have to drive a distance - if it's worth it to you, do it. I had one in 2006 and it was the best experience ever.

    Thank you for being so proactive in your understanding of birth and your own body. I may sound like a nut job LOL but I'm so thankful to read of someone that actually *gets it.*

    FWIW the success rate, I believe, is around 75% of those attempted. Check the link below - they have more detailed info.
    All the best to you! Email me if you want! :D|||That's so not true! most everyone should do that. Look around and if you have to, find another doctor. You shouldn't feel bullied into something you don't want- especially when it comes to your body and something as personal and memorable as birth.|||what is VBAC


    For school reasons, I might get transferred there latter on, but if I can't immediately get a job, how much would I get from unemployment? I figured if I find out now, I can start saving appropriately for a rainy day....

    Also about how long would it take before receiving the first check?|||If you are transferring from another state you will not be eligible to collect unemployment from Arizona. You are required to work for a certain amount of time in order to qualify for unemployment. You do not qualify if you quit your job or are fired for poor behavior.

    Your eligibility for Arizona unemployment benefits is based upon wages earned in the Arizona base period from employers who were required to pay Arizona unemployment insurance tax on your wages.

    You are only eligible to receive unemployment benefits from the State of Arizona for wages earned in Arizona. The minimum is $60 per week and the maximum is $240 per week (2008).

    For most people, the base period will be the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters prior to the date you first applied for unemployment insurance. Huh? Let me explain.

    Let's say you file for unemployment in July. The last five completed calendar quarters before July begins on April 1 of the previous year. How did I get that? Well, the first complete calendar quarter before any day in July is the quarter beginning April 1 and ending June 30. That's the fifth quarter. A year before that quarter, April 1 through June 30th, of the previous year, makes it five complete quarters prior to your filing date. Your benefit will be based on your income during your base period, which, in this example, is the year beginning that previous April 1 and ending on the March 31st.

    To qualify for benefits, you must have been paid wages by an insured employer and meet one of the following requirements:

    a. You must have earned at least $1,500 in one of the four quarters of the base period, and your total base period wages must be at least 1-1/2 times your high quarter (2007).
    b. You must have earned at least $7000 in total wages in at least two quarters of the base period, with wages in one quarter equal to $5,987.50 or more (2008). You may receive unemployment payments until you have been paid one-third of your total base period wages. However, you can only receive a total of 26 times your weekly benefit amount.|||typically you can not collect unemployment unless you were let go. so you would have to be let go from your job. not quit.
    i would assume the rate would depend on how much you worked and how much you made. and i bet the payments would be much less than what you made. you should be able to go online and look up approximately how much you might get back. your state should have a workers compensation page.

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  • What areas would be good to live in where you can find a lot of conveniences clustered together like fast food, grocery, department stores? Basically where you can see the light and not even think you are living on a desert.|||No! I think Phoenix is a lot nicer then Tucson. If you want an area that makes you forget that you are in the desert, Tucson only has a few. North Central Phoenix always makes me forget I'm in the desert, and so does the Arrowhead area in Glendale. The East Valley has a lot of little communities to. Tucson is so dry looking compared to Phoenix because there are more water restrictions there. Phoenix has so many new communities, and with new communities come the Shops and restaurants. I hardly ever have to leave the North West Valley because I have everything I need there.|||Thanks! I don't know where you are from, but in Phoenix you have the international airport, so when you get home sick, it's easy and cheap to hop on a plane an fly home for a weekend, well, at least for right now. With fuel prices, who knows now. Good luck on your decision.

    Report Abuse

    |||Tucson has everything that Phoenix has, except a lot smaller in size and population and certainly a lot less of the fast food places, department stores and groceries, etc.

    Tucson is overall a nicer place to live than Phoenix as it is smaller, requires less time commuting (but has a lot fewer jobs), much of the city is spread out and in sight of the desert which what the people want. Whereas Phoenix is a city with little view of the desert until you get out of the city.

    Tucson, pardon the pun, is a city with a light restriction in effect at night to keep the telescopes in the mountains from getting light polluted. So the skies in Tucson are a lot darker from an airplane that Phoenix would be.

    Mpho|||Phoenix area is way better in every way.|||Phx is way nicer than Tucson


    Do they have to brand everything, is there no shame, is nothing sacred ?|||Very good question, Slim.|||I can't believe how inappropriate it was. The cheering makes you wonder if they gave out free beer beforehand. It has left me feeling disturbed.|||The same reason that the right politicized the entire thing with letters and emails and TV ads looking for donations.

    Politics is a competitive sport.|||i couldn't believe they came out with the faux christianity either


    That is should Safeway grocery stores be forced to change their name since they aren't safe?|||LOL!|||go away.|||ho ho ho.......lot of people and a child died you fkwit|||No, please respect that this was a tragedy. It's not something to make a joke out of.


    into a political pep rally. I do not care if the audience was mainly Democratic what a crass gesture of disrespect. Its not like the first time they did the same thing at the Paul Wellstone memorial service a few years ago only worst . They were dancing and cheering in the aisles.|||They have no character and they have no humanity.
    They are filled with hate toward those who know and understand the REAL working of Life.
    They are Liberals. That says it all. (I guess it is true that Liberalism is a mental disorder.)|||Rahm Emmanuel said it himself, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste".

    Nuff Said!|||It was a ROCK CONCERT!|||The Republicans turned a terrorist attack into a war with a country that had nothing to do with it|||Because they play on people's 'emotions'. Liberalism is all about touchy-feeley emotions, not rational thought. Libs try to stay away from logic, because if people used logic, they would see how illogical it is to believe in the liberal fantasy land they call utopia.|||Strange. The man who's wife took Christina to the rally and was shot 4 times herself, credits Obama for calming the storm and giving him solace.|||As a young person, and a conservative, and someone who has worked on a Senate campaign for one of my state's current Senators, I would suggest that it's not "Democrats" who "always" do this. It is a) politicians, who see everything as an opportunity to get their message out, and b) young people, who see every gathering as an opportunity to vocally protest/support something.

    Democrats have a slight edge on the protests because they, by definition, want more things to change and so they protest and demonstrate more, but it's not primarily a party issue as much as it is an issue of grandstanding politicians on both sides of the aisle playing to their bases, and immature voters who are not settled into a responsible place in their political discourse yet.|||The left loves tragedy like this and will exploit it for all it's worth.|||Republicans would be attacking Obama if he did not hold a Memorial. He can`t win with the old people.|||You really don't have a clue, do you?


    When i stop at a stop sign and then take off the car misses real bad like there is water in the gas so i treated the gas and it is still happening but only when you start to move for about 50 feet or so then it runs fine.So now i'm thinking it's the fuel filter.|||Since the fuel filter in newer vehicles is jammed in the fuel tank along with the fuel pump, I'd advise against random part swaps. Unless you have a lift, then by all means, swap filters!

    You may as well save your wasted money and blood, sweat, and tears and let a good tech diagnose and repair for you.

    You probably do not have the equipment to test fuel pressure, so you truly indeed are just tossing guesses out there.

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  • I just bought a house on over an acre and want to get my children a small pony. If you know where I can find one please let me know. Thank you!|||Go to, then go to your area (Arizona, Tucson), then to farm and garden. You can then type into the search box: pony, and find ponies in your area. But, watch for the ones that are just green broke. If you aren't good at training, they may be very nice ponies but might not be good for all-around riding. If you are just looking for a pony to lead the kids around on, then any of those might work. For general riding, pick a pony that is large enough for an adult to get on and remind of manners, or pick a small, well-broke horse who already knows what he needs to know. These are sometimes called "babysitters", because they will ride with anyone on them, and will actually be cautious of how they go, for the rider's sake.

    You can also go to If you know any horse people, bring them along with you to see any horse or pony. You just never know what you are going to get, if you don't know horses, from lameness issues to behavior issues, and some people will drug the horse before the person comes to see it. Have it vetted if you are spending any amount of money, or you could end up with a cute "decoration" for your property, but not ridable.

    I also agree with checking on the land requirements in your area. An acre is not much land for livestock.|||Check with your township first to see if you are allowed to have a horse. Some townships require two or three acres before allowing someone to own a horse or pony.

    Check on Craigslist.

    Take your kids down to a reputable lesson barn to have them take lessons on well-broke horses first. Then let them lease a horse, and understand it's repsonsibilities. If that works well, then see about getting them a horse or a pony.|||

    A cheap horse ain't good and a good horse ain't cheap. Don't go looking for a horse with your main requirement being "cheap."||| (the best)
    look for barns around your area too


    My dad is having trouble replacing the transmission fluid filter in my mothers car.He doesnt want to mess it up himself.If anyone knows instructions on how to replace it,I would appreciate it greatly.
    He says it is a GLS 2005 2.7 v6
    I dont know car talk,so anyones advice would help.And we really do not want to take it to the dealer.|||Just tell him to remove the transmission pan and old gasket. This could get messy with transmission fluid. Then replace the filter, and put the pan back on with the new gasket. And don't forget to refill the transmission before driving off. And don't overfill it. This procedure does not replace all of the fluid as there is still some left in the torque converter.|||why are yall replacing the transmission filter?? and yes its inside the transmission oil pan and is usually held by 3 10mm bolts or small clips... they arent hard to take off but if your having problems with it, its probably best you take it to someone who knows what they are doing...


    The leftist media and its hacks spent the weekend and into today desperately trying to pin Tucson on the tea party, failing of course as usual. How long before those same hacks reverse course and suddenly proclaim outrage that such an event is being politicized?|||They are famous for spinning their negatives so it's only a matter of time. Some of the libs who first commented here and blamed conservatives when this tragedy first happened were on the next day saying that we shouldn't be politicizing this whole thing. Amazing hypocrisy.|||The leftist media... like Fox News? The "media" is not a monolithic block that acts in 100% synchrony. In fact, from what I've seen the "media" is anything but united in its views.|||So explain to me why Sarah Palin immediately pulled down the crosshair targets from her website. Isn't that an acknowledgement of a measure of guilt?


    Is the school accredited? What specializations do they offer? I am first going to attend the University of Arizona to finish my Associate of Science and maybe go on to my Bachelor's. Does UofA happen to have a program? Any information would be great!|||There is only one accredited Sonography program in AZ, unfortunately. It is GateWay Community College in Phoenix.鈥?/a>|||this is the closest college that offers a sonography degree. just an associates.

    GateWay Community College
    Phoenix, AZ|||Have you tried their website, done any internet searches, or thought about using the telephone and calling THEM?


    Which one would you choose above the other, and why?

    I'm having an arguement, and i think that Flagstaff would be more fun than Tucson, for a day trip. (I live in Phoenix). Are there fall colors right now in Flagstaff?|||If you live in Phoenix, I definitely think you should go to Flagstaff. It is in the mountains and would be a nice change from where you are. Going to Tuscon, another desert city, wouldn't feel as much like you actually went somewhere else. Besides, Flagstaff is just a beautiful city with a unique personality. I almost went to college there and I kinda wish I had. I'm not there right now but I'd guess that there's not many Fall colors there quite yet; I'm at about the same Latitude and there's none here yet. Give it just a couple more weeks though and there will be.|||Take 2 days. Go north on Day 1. Go to Tucson on Day 2. See Sabino Canyon, go up on Mt Lemmon, visit the mission, visit the National Park and the other stuff that's been mentioned. Oops - you'll need 2 days in Tucson.

    But if you really want something off the main roads (and crowds), drive up to Tonto Natural Bridge State Park for a day. It's near Payson, and is quiet and beautiful and less crowded. A very nice drive up Hwy 87 from Phoenix.|||Flagstaff, yes there are some fall colors.|||Flagstaff!!!! good shoping too downtown a lot to look at, and eat at...and couple of brewerys too.. time to think of christmas presents?|||Flagstaff, it is cleaner, more to do, and the leaves have changed, so its beautiful, and the drive to Flag is more scenic than the drive to Tucson.|||Neither.

    Go sedona, that is best for one day trip.||| has a fall-colors map. I prefer oak-creek and sedona for the fall leaves. The leaves are changing in flagstaff, not in tucson.鈥?/a>

    There is so much to do around arizona that you could go out every weekend and be busy for years.

    Montezumas well and castle. Verde Valley Railway. Biosphere 2 and the titan missile site. Meteor crater. Zoo. Zoolights is coming soon. There are night hikes, and stargazing hikes, and wildlife spotting hikes with phoenix parks and rec. departments in south mountain.

    Theres lots to do in phoenix too.

    I think that up north is cooler, and has more fun stuff.|||I'd go with Flagstaff. Flagstaff is very different from Phoenix, in terms of the weather and scenery, and you can even stop by Sedona on the way. There are fall colors, although the colors up in Flagstaff aren't as spectacular as those, say, in the northeast.

    Tucson is pleasant enough, but it's not that different from Phoenix - big desert city.|||yes and tucson too.

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  • What are the top 10 companies in Tucson, Arizona?
    Looking for a job.|||ure askin for too much :P ..
    google it mama|||Top 10 High Demand Jobs in Tucson

    1. Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts - needed in all industries, especially Health, Finance, Insurance, Government, and others.

    2. Physician Assistants

    3. Medical Assistants

    4.Occupational Therapist Assistants

    5.Diagnostic Medical Sonographers

    6. Home Health Aides

    7. Tile and Marble Setters - skilled laborers and technicians.

    8. Respiratory Therapists

    9. Cardiovascular Techs

    10. Registered Nurses [RNs] - includes Travel Nursing.


    Tried looking for some through many sites but results are nothing. So thought id ask people here that may know where I may find one :) Thank you.|||Toni & Guy


    I am looking into upgrading the speakers in the doors and i could not find any information.|||If you have the premium Infinity package:
    Front Speaker 6.5"
    Front Tweeter 1"
    Rear Speaker 6.5"
    Subwoofer 8"

    If you have the standard 6 speaker setup:
    Front Speaker 6.5"
    Front Tweeter 1"
    Rear Speaker 6.5"


    I need to buy a newt and filters cost 20-30 dollars, and suggestions?|||try e-bay cause they have stores that are cheap and people sell them brand new of just go to a flea market they sell them really cheap if you have one around where you live


    i plan on going to phoenix az to buy a car from private owner can i drive car back to tucson with no insuranse?|||Not legally you can't.|||I don't think it would be a good risk, but you might check with a dealer to be sure. If you already have insurance it can be transferred. You don't want to get stopped for any reason without insurance. One accident with no coverage can cost you a lot more than it would be worth in the long run- even if someone told you it would be o.k.|||If the "new" car replaces a car already insured, or is an addition to a current policy, it's automatically insured for at least 30 days, but be sure to report it to your agent/company ASAP so you don't forget it. If it's not one of the above, you need to put insurance on it before you drive it home.|||And just who pays for the loss if you have an accident? Of course not, driving without insurance is always just that, driving without insurance. If you have an insured car now, talk to your broker about coverage on a newly-acquired vehicle. If you don't have a car now, talk to a broker about a new policy for your new vehicle.

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  • I am looking for a makeup artist who would be interested in doing makeovers for myself. I am a single straight male who occasionally likes to crossdress as a female. I can either supply the makeup or you can if you have it. Will pay well for makeup service. Thanks!|||Have you considered just doing the makeup yourself? It's a lot cheaper and much easier. Go buy or check out at your local library Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin. It has a section on how to do makeup to make men look like women and in the first pic, I showed it to my very close-minded father and he couldn't even tell that it was a guy. Learning how to do the makeup yourself is probably easier, but if you're so inclined go to your local MAC cosmetics and find someone for hire there.|||do the makeover yourself so u can express yourself with your makeover. and look the they u want to look, not what other people want u to look like.|||well i'm not from Arizona but why cant you do your own make up? Just pick out a few cosmetics mags from your local store, they always give great make up tips and just go for it. If you mess up its ok.....thats why they have make up remover


    I would like to leave 8/29 or 8/30 and need to return after 5 days.|||Try the Greyhound|||el paso limo to santa fe change la cruses
    then check take amtrak from lamy to kc


    I wanna take someone out tonight, but Ive only lived here for alittle while. I want to do something that is nice, but not too over the top. I want romance, but I dont want it to be all crazy love and what not. Anyone have any good ideas? It doesnt even have to be something you can do in this town, just something in general. Thanks. |||Go to the Ventana Grill at Loews Hotel and then walk around the desert walk at sunset. It is very romantic, with waterfalls, and desert scenery, and it somewhat exclusive. You will have the area largely to yourselves, yet there is plenty around you.|||montana avenue, North, fire birds are nice resturants i would suggest going to either of the last two because then you can walk around the open la encantada mall which is very beautiful at night *(stars, sunset, etc.)


    In Tucson, I received a red light ticket and paid for traffic school. I did not finish and now I have to go to Sentence Enforcement Court or pay $400.|||Where is the question? This is not a forum to post your rants.|||That sounds right. Arizona is doing sweeps of all unresolved traffic complaints in order to raise revenue. My son found out the hard way he didn't pay a ticket he thought he paid last year. Just to punctuate it his license was suspended - he received a warning he had something like 5 days to contact the court or his license would be suspended, and a notice of suspension... both dated the same day! That was how he found out about the problem.

    Do the Sentence Enforcement Court. They are looking for money but don't want to overplay their hand - you will probably get a more reasonable deal in court. My son only had to pay something like $80 more than the original ticket (including the fee to get his license re-instated) to get back into the sunlight again.|||Good for you. Finish traffic school next time.


    I have community service hours to do in Tucson AZ but i live in California, will they count if done in CA?|||Yes,

    if your PO approves it.|||You should get off the internet and call your court. They will be rude assholes, but they will provide better answers than anyone on Yahoo! Answers will. Here is an example of the type of answers you may receive.



    uR a gAy!!!!11!!!! lolz

    None of these will provide you with anything substantial.

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  • Every time an event occurs, liberals go straight into left-wing ideology instead of actually addressing the problem. Tucson is a prime example.
    A logical person would have concluded:

    That the shooter was very disturbed
    Had many run-ins with authorities
    Had many complaints and discussions about his instability
    Therefore, we need to strengthen our laws to get the insane of the streets.

    But what did liberals actually do?
    They used the tragedy to launch false attacks on their political enemies, and when that didn't work, they attacked the 2nd Amendment.

    Are liberals that out of touch with reality, or are they just complete frauds?|||In my opinion if they did address the real problem which is mental health half would themselves be committed and not just to left wing ideals but to a place where needs are issued, it is a fact that 1/4 of all college students are taking anti depressants (NBC reported that one)|||OMG, are you actually suggesting that the government provide this disturbed individual with mental health care? Who pays for that...the taxpayers?

    Or are you saying they should just strip the insane of their rights, and throw them all into jail/sanitarium?

    Some of us liberals do admit the dude was a psychopath, which is why he should NEVER have been permitted to purchase a weapon. Why are conservatives blocking additional regulations that would close loopholes which currently allow insane people to buy/own weapons?|||Oh, so the problem with the Tuscon killings is that we don't lock up enough people in the insane asylum.

    Thanks for clearing that up, because I thought the problem was that kids, judges and politicians were being shot with metal slugs speeding from the barrels of easily obtainable and concealable firearms.|||Actually, what I saw on this site was exactly the opposite. It was the Rightwingers bustin' a gut trying to blame it on the left. How could you possibly have missed that guy who posted the same links over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... for DAYS.... trying to link the shooter to "the left?"|||The first heard about this the conservatives were yelling about how this was going to turn out to be an illegal alien.

    What did happen though is that people suddenly became outspoken about their disgust with the nastiness of the political system.
    And then, the first thing that happens is that Palin the right wing darling, issues an "Its not my fault' eight minute facebook speech. Instead of trying to draw the country together she's out there claiming 'they' are out to put a blood libel on her.

    If you have forgotten all that in just a few weeks maybe you are out of touch with reality, or just a complete fraud.|||What part of republicans using violent metaphors is a false attack?

    Regardless of whether the rhetoric is linked to Tucson, it is still real and still irresponsible.

    THAT is a real problem.

    And yes, the shooter is another problem.

    This isn't new to liberals.|||Liberals have the general idea that things that happen to people have nothing to do with personal choice and responsibility, but due to society, so it makes perfect sense that they attack the other side of the aisle, because it furthers their political stances.|||er... I've seen many more liberals than cons taking the approach you mention?

    wasn't it Reagan who put all the crazies on the streets because "he didn't want the gubamint paying for it"?

    all I see cons doing is saying "eh, it happens, so what, move on"|||You seem to be assuming that liberals are for gun control when most of us actually aren't. Just out of curiosity, are you able to function without making stereotypes? Because I don't see that you are.|||are you that out of touch with reality to believe that only liberals and all liberals acted in the manner you described in your question?|||You don't believe that we should toughen laws to keep the mentally ill from being able to buy guns? And you say liberals are out of touch with reality!|||yes,yes|||Liberals want to end our freedoms, like the Muslims|||The libs are half right on this issue. While blaming Palin and other political figureheads for the tragedy is ridiculous, there's a valid point in the Second Amendment arguments.

    Although I'm fairly liberal, I'm a responsible gun owner and a Second Amendment rights supporter. I will say, however, that it is way too easy to acquire a gun in this country, and the requirements for continued gun ownership are pretty weak.

    I live in Texas, and here there is no such thing as gun registration. That's right. I go to a gun shop, fill out the paperwork just the same as anywhere else, and ten minutes later I have my gun. No problem so far. After that, I'm allowed to do almost anything with the gun that I want. I can walk a block down the street and give a loaded handgun to a homeless man I've never met before--legally. It's *recommended* that I get something in writing saying that he now has ownership of the gun, in case it were later to be used in a crime. I'm in no way required to check his credentials, verify that he has no felonies or domestic assault convictions, or even know whether or not he is a legal citizen of the United States. I need no FFL license, and no records need be submitted to the state or federal government.

    For another example from my home state, Texas's "castle doctrine" allows a person to defend his or her home as they see fit. Guns are not required to be locked up or kept unloaded, which leaves the decision on how arms are stored and accessed up to the owner--as it should be. This does, however, leave a significant window of opportunity for children and unauthorized persons to access a loaded weapon and cause real injury to themselves or others, which does occasionally happen. There are penalties in place for such negligence, and for the most part, gun owners are responsible enough to prevent such tragedies. However, the castle doctrine extends the definition of "the home" to include a person's private vehicle. As a Texan, I may keep any number of loaded firearms at the ready in my vehicle. The only stipulation is that they may not be stored in plain view while the vehicle is unoccupied in order to deter theft. I may choose to keep a fully loaded pistol next to my driver's seat with the safety disengaged, if I so choose. While I consider myself a reasonable and nonviolent person, I cannot tell you that there has never been an instance where I would have brandished a firearm during a fit of rage or trepidation. While I know this about myself, and therefore do not travel with an accessible weapon, many residents disregard such precautions. I have personally seen guns brandished a number of times during the course of normal driving, and if I were the intended target, I would arm myself in defense without a second thought. This, of course, would drastically increase the likelihood that I would be shot at, or that I would shoot at someone else. The result could be something as simple as moving through a stop sign out-of-turn escalating into a gunfight. Indeed, such occurrences are not unheard of.

    These laws are a little out-of-hand, I think. Based on your logical person's perspective, that person should have brought up Second Amendment issues after their conclusion, which you call "strengthening our laws."

    Loughner obtained his gun legally, and did so with the list of black marks against him that you recited. There are two legal solutions: First, tighten the laws concerning gun control. Currently, you must have already committed a crime in order to be rendered unable to buy a gun. I think you see where a problem may arise there, although the counter-argument is that gun ownership is a right, and should therefore be free of prior legal restraints. Or second, round up any people who appear to be "disturbed" and get them off the streets, as you said. In either case, some personal freedoms must be infringed upon. Either citizens will need to pass some series of tests or training prior to owning a gun, or citizens with even an outside chance of violent behavior will need to be rounded up and confined. If psychology could yield 100% accuracy on who would commit a gun-related crime and who would not, the choice would be simple. However, there is a significant margin of error, so the reasonable solution seems to be tighter gun control laws, rather than confining thousands of people who in many instances pose no significant threat.

    There's plenty of room to debate that my gun ownership rights shouldn't be infringed by other people's mental illnesses, and that's a valid argument. However, I'm willing to jump through a hoop or two to allow people who don't present a clear threat to society to live freely.

    Getting back to your original argument, it's a shame that liberals took the opportunistic approach and made cheap, unfounded shots at political rivals during a time of tragedy. The arguments for stricter gun controls are entirely appropriate, though.|||They did all they could to MAKE IT HAPPEN, what more do you want?
    > The elected Democrats responsible for getting the shooter into the system KNEW he was very disturbed and repeatedly CHOSE to cast-aside the law to PREVENT anything being done about it.
    > The law REQUIRED these elected Democrats to AT MINIMUM report him into NICS which would have balked his gun-purchase but they REPEATEDLY broke the law to ensure he could easily buy a gun with money THEY GAVE him.
    > He had many run-ins with elected Democrat authorities who LIED to people reporting him so THEY wouldn't pursue it further. This specifically includes Giffords. She was told by local elected Democrats that Loughner was being handled even though THEY PERSONALLY WERE PREVENTING IT. No doubt the last thing to go through her mind (before the bullet) was shock to see a guy local elected Democrats dishonestly told her was in custody right there pointing a gun at her.|||But what did liberals actually do? The things you mention and when they can get away with it they place even more restrictions on law abiding citizens.

    Check it out, the white house is planning on using the AZ tragedy to play political games and appease the gun-grabbers on their side:;鈥?/a>

    @ > BUG, This is the second time I've posted this for you,


    Shortly after the Virginia Tech shootings, Congress passed a law addressing exactly this issue:

    Late in 2007: Congress Passes Bill to Stop Mentally Ill From Getting Guns鈥?/a>

    In January 2008 President Bush Signed That Bill,鈥?/a>

    Also: The mad-man in AZ sent up several Red Flags and it's the local authorities that failed to do their job. Some FACTS: "Mental Health Warnings Preceded Rampage, as Arizona Gunman Likely Went Untreated" <> Read:鈥?/a>|||Are liberals that out of touch with reality, or are they just complete frauds?


    Any time something like that happens Liberals 1st response is not " Is everybody alright? ", its " Why are Cons so crazy? ".|||Never forget the motto of the Obama Administration: "Never let a crisis go to waste".|||I agree that they are frauds AND they're out of touch...|||liberals will never ever admit to their dissonance.^ see what i mean!


    I'm just wondering what fun cool place for a 2 year old would be, besides all the pizza places. A place that some 7 or 11 year old kids could go to. Just wondering what would be fun for the age groups between 2-11, besides the pizza places.|||in a BOUNCY house!


    I'm from NYC and I want to visit my friend in Arizona. I'm not sure what month I want to go but I want to go either July, August or September. How much should I save? Round trip air fare, hotel, going out to eat, some shopping, ect..|||


    please i want one it can be until 200 please help and it should be in stock too i want a young quaker parrot!
    thx!|||Closest quaker breeders to you I know of are:

    In Tucson, try鈥?/a>
    or Southwest Parrots,

    Others in Arizona include:

    Sweet Heart Aviary
    New River, AZ 85087

    Arizona Exotic Birds
    Buckeye, AZ 85326

    Baby Beaks Aviary
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Bird Dreaming
    12421 N. 44th Dr.
    Phx. AZ 85304

    Orchard Ranch Parrots
    Queen Creek, AZ

    Quaker World By A C E
    Normal greens $150
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Sue's Qs and More
    Glendale, AZ

    I don't know if any of these have babies currently in stock, or what they charge - or even if the email and phone numbers are still good.


    My 3 week old had been on good start, and it doesnt seem like it agree with him and my other two children used to be on wic and before they gave out enfamil ,does wic still gave out the same formula? also he been a very gas baby and very hard to burp what should I do ?|||hi, i live in tucson!! i have a 3 week old also, and im on WIC too! they give only similac. its not too bad though, my baby tolerates it very well. have you tried burping him in the sitting up position? its usually faster, thats how i burp my baby and she burps pretty fast.
    good luck!!|||You could always ask the pediatrician to give you a prescription for infamail.

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  • My leftwing liberal friends told me that the Tucson gunman put up pictures on his myspace of him throwing darts at pictures of famous communist figures like Mao Zedong, Che Guevara, Joseph Stalin, and Fidel Castro. They also told me that the Tucson gunman wrote on his myspace page that he 100% was in favor of giving tax breaks for the rich.

    Are my leftwing liberal friends being 100% honest with me or are they lying to me ?|||He didn't...

    The 'Communist manifesto' is listed as one of his favorite books...|||We don't know for sure. However, according to the same friend who said he was a liberal 3 years ago, the liberal she knew was the "polar opposite" of the shooter today:

    "thank you sir. I haven't seen him in 3 years, but the guy I knew was a polar opposite of the evil he became today."

    "I did know him & as stunned & horrified as anyone else. The Jared I knew, want like this. All about peace."

    "I have no idea. I think he slowly descended in a psychotic break. Something in him snapped. He wasn't always like this."

    "very true. The guy I knew 3 years ago isn't the evil he became today."

    "more left. I haven't seen him since '07 though. He became very reclusive."|||He didn't he listed the Communist Manifesto as his favorite book he was a dope smoker and still lived with mom|||Just like the news that reported he was an Afghan war vet they are all wrong

    He was rejected by the Army

    He was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia

    Loughner used to speak critically about religion. He also talked about how he liked to smoke pot.

    He hated illiteracy

    Thats about all they know

    A crazy guy who liked to do drugs, hated religion and wanted people to read


    I have looked all over and I really would like to get certified to give Botox. I can't seem to find a dermatology school anywhere.|||I'm not sure it's legal to get it anywhere but from a dermatologist. That's a doctor, who had to have gone to med school. Might have had to be board certified as a dermatologist. Not sure. I briefly looked at Botox's website, and from that, it seems to also suggest you have to get it from a doctor only.

    This isn't like dyeing your hair. This stuff is a milder version of the poison countries used to use as bio warfare to kill people.|||Give a call to Pima College info line. The school's been around a while - they may not have one but can point you the way.


    I want a good, all around dining experience. Strong Margaritas, great encheladas, and a classy, not cheesy, atmosphere.|||Easy Answer, La Parrilla Suiza.
    There are a few in Tucson, located at
    4260 W Ina Rd
    5556 E Speedway Blvd
    2770 N Oracle Rd
    5602 E Speedway Blvd

    The best mexican food I have ever had.鈥?/a>

    My favorite starting appetizer is No. 4 & No. 8 together, Their flavor and food is the most authentic it gets! Their Margaritas are awesome and not at all watered down. their encheladas come with the classics.

    Good Luck & Enjoy!!|||Don Pablos on third street|||This I cannot answer because I have yet to discover it. However, the best Tacos are from the taco stand in the antiques store parking lot on Grant and Tucson Blvd. So amazing!|||I've been to many, many Mexican Restaurants in Tucson and I've got two Favorites.
    Mi Nidito on 4th Ave and El Charro on Broadway and Wilmot.
    Both have excellant Enchiladas and Margaritas along with lots of other great food. Mi Nidito has a typical Mexican atmosphere while I think El Charro is a little more classy. But, don't let the atmosphere scare you away from great Mexican food.


    My husband and I have lived in Tucson for a few years around the Ft. Lowell and Alvernon area and I'm getting to the point where I just can't stand the crime and filth here. I'm originally from Chandler and I miss it there - everything is much newer and feels safer in the area of Chandler I grew up.

    So I want to know if anyone can make a good suggestion of a safe, nice, and perhaps newer areas of Tucson that offer a better quality of life.|||The Foothills and Marana (and the NW part of town near Marana). And some parts of Vail.

    I also live in the central part of Tucson, and I'm sick of the crime, too. Last year someone tried to steal my car from our driveway.


    Are commercial properties in Tucson, AZ required to have handrails for outdoor steps?|||I would think so, unless the properly is exempt for some reason (like being a landmark.)

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  • His favourite books were "Mien Kampf" and "The Communist Manifesto", not exactly on her reading list as far as i know.|||No.

    And just for everyone's information - he was a registered Independent.

    He was pissed at the congresswoman for a response he had gotten from her on a question or proposed solution to something. Don't give that much credit to Sarah Palin. She is an idiot.|||No. But lets not have facts get in the way of there smear fest.

    For anyone who will now thumb me down I now request conclusive proof that palin made him do it. Send me a message even. And those crosshairs on the USA don't count. It's been done to death is bullshit and you know it.

    Edit: 2 people thumbed me down but did not take my request. Therefore there thumb downs should not be counted.|||There is none but that has never stopped either side of doing things that are not factual.
    He was an Independent that contacted the congresswoman in 2007 and kept the letter she sent to him in a safe at his home. He was not happy with her and many say that he was stocking her.|||No, and there is also no proof that "His favourite books were "Mien Kampf" and "The Communist Manifesto"."

    Wait, I just got the joke!!!!! Palin has a reading list??!!!!! That's hilarious! Best joke of the night!|||Zero

    Being as insane as he was, he probably didn't even know who Palin was, much less being an avid fan

    Believe me, if he had mentioned her anywhere in his journal, the media would have shoved it down our throats already|||anyone who wastes time trying to label this guy as a Righty or a Lefty is USING this death in a horrid way.

    the one and ONLY factor in this death is that the shooter was an absolute nutball.|||Of course not, but did you expect the reaction to be any different. Liberals don't need facts or evidence. They go by what they feel. The don't like Palin, so any excuse to slander her is fair.|||Well, like man-made global warming, it seems to be based on liberal "consensus" rather than any tangible facts.|||There is no evidence whatsoever.|||No the evidence is that he was apolitical.|||no


    His favourite books were "Mien Kampf" and "The Communist Manifesto", not exactly on her reading list as far as i know.|||No.

    And just for everyone's information - he was a registered Independent.

    He was pissed at the congresswoman for a response he had gotten from her on a question or proposed solution to something. Don't give that much credit to Sarah Palin. She is an idiot.|||No. But lets not have facts get in the way of there smear fest.

    For anyone who will now thumb me down I now request conclusive proof that palin made him do it. Send me a message even. And those crosshairs on the USA don't count. It's been done to death is bullshit and you know it.

    Edit: 2 people thumbed me down but did not take my request. Therefore there thumb downs should not be counted.|||There is none but that has never stopped either side of doing things that are not factual.
    He was an Independent that contacted the congresswoman in 2007 and kept the letter she sent to him in a safe at his home. He was not happy with her and many say that he was stocking her.|||No, and there is also no proof that "His favourite books were "Mien Kampf" and "The Communist Manifesto"."

    Wait, I just got the joke!!!!! Palin has a reading list??!!!!! That's hilarious! Best joke of the night!|||Zero

    Being as insane as he was, he probably didn't even know who Palin was, much less being an avid fan

    Believe me, if he had mentioned her anywhere in his journal, the media would have shoved it down our throats already|||anyone who wastes time trying to label this guy as a Righty or a Lefty is USING this death in a horrid way.

    the one and ONLY factor in this death is that the shooter was an absolute nutball.|||Of course not, but did you expect the reaction to be any different. Liberals don't need facts or evidence. They go by what they feel. The don't like Palin, so any excuse to slander her is fair.|||Well, like man-made global warming, it seems to be based on liberal "consensus" rather than any tangible facts.|||There is no evidence whatsoever.|||No the evidence is that he was apolitical.|||no


    I think early spring like right now.

    Hi Lois! I'm near ft lowell! and stone avenue area! -Tucson.
