Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I am feeling very lonely right now. Does anyone know where I could go to buy sex from an attractive prostitute and how much it would cost?|||You would most likely find her walking the street or on her back or knees.|||Tucson I don't know but just to give you a perspective, you can get a woman here in the Orlando market for $ 25 - 30 and a guy for $ 20 - 25. Be careful about undercover cops though - if it's a guy hustler you usually pick him up when he is (supposedly) hitching a ride, but before saying anything about money, ask him to prove he is not a cop by unzipping himself and letting you touch his unit. If he turns out to be the filth, he will always refuse because then it is entrapment, and the case gets thrown out of court (if the a***hole has the shamelessness to proceed in the first place). Women, I don't know since I have never been with one (and I am 41 years old). I just know the going rate by asking my str8 guy friends as I tend to be curious. Hope this helps !!|||Male or female?|||in jail!|||in a dumpster
for free
they usually have beards


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