Friday, March 9, 2012

Do you believe Diane Sawyer and other similar journalists who believe that Limbaugh and other AM radio talk show hosts caused Jared Loughner to go on a rampage. Or are these mainstream journalists just trying to incite more hatred between the liberal left and conservative right?|||It is possible, it definitely did not help, talking about reloading and second amendment options. That plus at Sarah Palin's website she had a map of the US with rifle scope crosshairs in the states that she was supporting teabaggers to beat certain democrats. When you moved your mouse over, it would turn blood red. One of the dems that won the seat anyway was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Their initial comeback was that it was surveyor scope was comical since it would not make sense to have that plus the few surveyor scopes I've looked through do not have crosshairs in them. z|||I believe that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, to name just two media personalities (we can't call them journalists), deliberately incite and inflame their listeners with their rantings and ravings that are seldom based in truth. They are narcissists interested in drawing attention - good or bad - from as many people as possible. They are incapable of reasonable, logical discourse and they feel no remorse for the consequences of their inflammatory rants.

Most people have the capacity for cognitive thought and dismiss their rants as just that - attention grabbing, but nothing by which to direct their daily lives and life choices. But, someone who is mentally disturbed is not capable of separating thoughtless, fact-less rants from the truth. Those mentally disturbed people might be inspired by the inflammatory rants to act on the subject of those rants.|||The issue isn't that such bloggers directly cause the killings. The question is whether the public "debate" has reached such a level that it is completely divisive and might stir up enough hate to push fragile people over the edge. Perhaps it is time to stop with the finger pointing and nasty comments and actually look at some of the issues.|||With no proof, they are just acting irresponsible. They are not journalists, they are like the bloggers with no ethics pushing their politics down our throats.

Problem is people are taking it as fact. They are inciting a more polarized atmosphere which doesn't help the families of the victims at all.

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