Saturday, March 3, 2012

into a political pep rally. I do not care if the audience was mainly Democratic what a crass gesture of disrespect. Its not like the first time they did the same thing at the Paul Wellstone memorial service a few years ago only worst . They were dancing and cheering in the aisles.|||They have no character and they have no humanity.
They are filled with hate toward those who know and understand the REAL working of Life.
They are Liberals. That says it all. (I guess it is true that Liberalism is a mental disorder.)|||Rahm Emmanuel said it himself, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste".

Nuff Said!|||It was a ROCK CONCERT!|||The Republicans turned a terrorist attack into a war with a country that had nothing to do with it|||Because they play on people's 'emotions'. Liberalism is all about touchy-feeley emotions, not rational thought. Libs try to stay away from logic, because if people used logic, they would see how illogical it is to believe in the liberal fantasy land they call utopia.|||Strange. The man who's wife took Christina to the rally and was shot 4 times herself, credits Obama for calming the storm and giving him solace.|||As a young person, and a conservative, and someone who has worked on a Senate campaign for one of my state's current Senators, I would suggest that it's not "Democrats" who "always" do this. It is a) politicians, who see everything as an opportunity to get their message out, and b) young people, who see every gathering as an opportunity to vocally protest/support something.

Democrats have a slight edge on the protests because they, by definition, want more things to change and so they protest and demonstrate more, but it's not primarily a party issue as much as it is an issue of grandstanding politicians on both sides of the aisle playing to their bases, and immature voters who are not settled into a responsible place in their political discourse yet.|||The left loves tragedy like this and will exploit it for all it's worth.|||Republicans would be attacking Obama if he did not hold a Memorial. He can`t win with the old people.|||You really don't have a clue, do you?


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