Saturday, March 3, 2012

TMC is one of the best prenatal hospitals in Tucson and I don't understand why no doctor will attempt VBACS. A c/s is just as risky (in other ways of course) as a VBAC. Does anyone knoe if a doctor in Tucson will do VBACS and does anyone in Tucson have some success stories for me to lift my spirits?|||Find a midwife!!

You can find both CNM (Certified Nurse-Midwives) and CPM (Certified Professional Midwives) in your area if you cannot find a doctor that does VBAC. There are certain hospital systems that don't "allow" VBACs based on their profit margins alone. A repeat C-section gives them at least $10,000 more in revenue than a VBAC...not to mention that scheduled C-section babies have a higher rate of a NICU admission (more money). They are the ones dictating what the docs can and cannot do. As far as the safety... the Mayo Clinic encourages VBAC and if the foremost medical facility in North America is saying it's okay- well then, case closed on safety!! Some smaller hospitals say they aren't able to do VBACs because they can't do a stat C-section quickly enough should a complication arise...well, maybe they shouldn't be doing OB if they can't get a stat section together quick enough!
Find a local chater of ICAN and see who they recommend!
Best wishes!|||I think your doctor is a liar!!! A lot of doctors encourage VBACs. I'd call around and do my own investigating.|||The reaosn they don't do it, is becaues their malpractice insurance doesn't cover it. There are several states that don't preform them ANYWHERE. In Oklahoma, only 1 hospital does them, which is luckily where I'm able to go, but bottom line is...if there isn't a doctor that will do them, there isn't a doctor that will do them. It isn't just the doctor, it is the hospital you go to, a lot of doctors say you're a good candidate, BUT there isn't anywhere that will let THEM do it. You need to call aroudn yourself to all the hospitals within a reasonable distance, because your doctor might not be pro VBAC and is just telling your BS. See what they say. I'm pro VBAC and definitely would be crushed if I coudln't have one, but I also wouldn't go to a midwife or a birthing center in fear of complications (60% of VBAC attempts end in emergency C-sections, I'd like to be near a hospital if that happens).|||Look for a Certified Nurse Midwife who is in practice with physicians (as back up).

I would also like to point out that in no way do you have to consent to a c-section. You can just choose not to schedule the surgery and wait for labor to start. Your doctor / hospital will have no choice but to deliver you. Their liability / insurance means nothing as long as they document that you did not consent to surgery.|||Oh Lord help you! Your doctor IS a liar. OK, maybe that's a bit harsh, but still.

I would get on some message boards, put the word out and call a midwife to see if you can get some support. It is possible, as you know. Even if you have to drive a distance - if it's worth it to you, do it. I had one in 2006 and it was the best experience ever.

Thank you for being so proactive in your understanding of birth and your own body. I may sound like a nut job LOL but I'm so thankful to read of someone that actually *gets it.*

FWIW the success rate, I believe, is around 75% of those attempted. Check the link below - they have more detailed info.
All the best to you! Email me if you want! :D|||That's so not true! most everyone should do that. Look around and if you have to, find another doctor. You shouldn't feel bullied into something you don't want- especially when it comes to your body and something as personal and memorable as birth.|||what is VBAC


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