Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The guy was just bat**** insane, nothing else. He was an evil man who killed a little girl, nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't matter if he was left or right, he was just a rotten human being. I don't believe in torture, but I'd make a special case for this guy. Ship him off to Guantanamo.|||Any one with a conscience.|||But there was more to it than him just being insane. You can't just say "nothing else". There was a motive behind it, he didn't just randomly kill a politician simply because he was crazy. He probably is crazy, but that wasn't his motive for doing it. His motive for doing it is very relevant to why it occurred. I'm sick of people trying to brush a political shooting under the rug and lump it together with random spree killings like it's another Andrew Cunanan.|||I find myself agreeing with you in that, not much mention is being made of the Innocent that was killed in the crazies shooting spree. The fact that the judge was killed and other at the scene were killed and injured there is still very little mention being made of a young child at the beginning of her life that's no longer with us. There is and should not be any politicization of this incident, there was a child killed and no one should forget it!|||I am sick of it. Ya the guy was just insane i don't even think he conforms to any modern day political party but idiots try to further their agendas by blaming the other side. Crazy though that they don't even care about the fact 6 people got killed. My condolences go out to those families.|||I know. After Glenn Beck said that we needed armed revolution to stop the communists and Sharon Angle said that we needed "Second Amendment Solutions" and Perry in Texas called for armed revolution if the Republicans didn't win the Senate and Sarah Palin Created a hit list of 19 traitors - why are the liberals claiming that somehow Conservatives are to blame?|||I was sick of it when I saw all the liberals blaming it on Sarah Palin and asserting that the shooter is a Tea Partier.

This is exactly like Joe Stack all over again. They all said he was a Tea Partier, too.

Some still do.|||Me! Me!
Hi, namesake
I'm going to tell everyone of these people that they are trolls. Conservative and liberal demagogue alike, they need to be called trolls over and over again. Ugly, hideous trolls.|||Yes, right? There are peaceful demonstrations of political beliefs every day and they get no time in the news. Now this crap happens and everyone wants to blame everyone. I've seen no one support this guys cause what so ever at this point.|||Why would you make a special case of this guy. Thousands of people are murdered every day and you don't see the government do anything more than try and take your ability to defend yourself away.|||I am

It looks like Conservatives are trying awfully hard to convince Y/A posters that he was a Liberal.

It looks like he was just deranged with Libertarian leanings.|||He was a lone nut case, nothing political about it. I bet he would have done this if the congresswoman was there or not.|||Um.......

A US Representative was shot today and nearly killed. Isn't that political enough for you?|||Wrong he was incited by far left propaganda...|||Not me.

Liberals must be stopped from using this tragedy as a way to advance their politics.|||Where were you when the Cons went nuts over the Discovery Channel bomber?|||I agree.|||I agree, except for the GITMO part.


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