Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We just moved to the area and we have a small child. I've heard stories of snakes and scorpions getting into the house. I was wanting to know of any things I can do to prevent this from happening and the likelihood of it happening. Please only people who are familiar with the area answer. And serious answers only! Thanks!|||The only thing you have to worry about inside a home is scorpions. Rattlesnakes will almost always warn you before they strike, and I've never heard of rattlers getting into homes. Scorpions can be a problem because you may not even see them before you step on them. There are also gila monsters, but I've only seen one in my life.|||Throughout most of the city, your only real trouble would be bark scorpions. It's an unfortunate coincidence that the only local scorpion capable of climbing walls is also the most venomous, especially to young kids. Rattlesnakes would be around the edges of town as well. In both instances, keep your yard free of debris and avoid areas of standing water. A leaky drip system is a great place for scorpions, black widows, and all associated prey (an even bigger draw). If you do see a bark scorpion, it might be good to just call an exterminator.

If you do live near the edge of town, get ahold of me on the referring site and I can tell you all you need to know about your local snakes, how to avoid them, and anything else you need to know. I do capture/relocation work in Phoenix, and frequent the Tucson area to find wild snakes.|||The only bad critters are the ones who come from Ca wanting to take Arizona down the tubes like they did the state that they came from|||They aren't that bad. You just need to keep an eye on your child. Maybe get some scorpion repellant.


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