Monday, March 12, 2012

On Meet the Press, NBC only mentioned that book by name, but the Communist Manifesto or any other. Is that because of NBC's clear-cut left-wing agenda, or just some highly coincidental oversight?
NBC is probably too stupid to even know that Mein Kampf is also far left-wing, not right-wing as the liberal-biased media would have us believe.|||Wow. Everybody in the WHOLE F**KING WORLD (i.e Outside America) KNOWS Mein Kampf is a right-wing book, writtern by a right-wing, Fascist, Nazi, white supremacist idiot.

What's wrong with you people? You cons are really proving the "Americans are dumb" theory that the rest of the world has about you! GROW A BRAIN.|||PROBABLY because he also had a copy of Ayn Rand's "We The People" on his list as well, which if you knew anything about political writing, (which you clearly don't by the way), you would know is about as Anti-communist as it gets, which makes speculating on him being a communist absolutely pointless.

Also, Hitler was a Fascist, get your sh*t straight. Just because his party had Socialist in the name doesn't mean it operated under Socialist terms of Government, which include the Social Contract and complete equality among all peoples, along with freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression, which were all things that Hitler Clearly and Blatantly reneged on.

He ran a FASCIST, yes, that's FASCIST Dictatorship. Don't believe me? Crack open some Thomas Hobbes, Some Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, or even Jefferson himself, and read about Political history, before you open your mouth and spew the crap that's been spouted by Glenn Beck over again. You'll learn a hell of a lot more that way.|||Maybe you didn't know that book was part of Racial supremacy theory which Hitler ran his platform for his government. This book is neither left wing or Right Wing It is Racist, Anti Zionist, an Anti- anyone whose not White. Maybe these nuts on yahoo who try an use it any other way an say it's liberal or conservative need to go back to school. Seriously the uneducated who followed the Heroin Addict Hitler an these on yahoo who uses politics for evil are same bunch.|||The media only cares about private business industry - and the bottom line which is profit .
A very right Wing attitude .
No You are stupid ( lack education ) to think that Mien Kampf is any thing but ultra right wing .
Nice try at the twist and spin though.|||I've read and own copies of both of those books.
They sit on my shelf right next to The Conscience of a Conservative, Steal This Book, The Satanic Bible, Leviathan and Harry Potter.
Does this make me a psychotic killer?|||Mein Kampf is far left wing?
You dazzled everyone with your ignorance on that one.
Would you call the Mein Kampf reading neo-Nazi or the skinheads in the US as 'far left wing'?
Get a clue.|||Because mentioning Alice in Wonderland was a little too gay for their storyline.|||They did it on purpose to make the shooter look like a right winger.|||hitler actually believed the third reich was in the christian god (yhwh's) plan for him|||...when you say it a bunch of times, it makes your nose tickle...

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