Saturday, February 11, 2012

I just moved to Tucson from the midwest, and I am curious about the small lizards that run around all over the place. They're very small, just a few inches long from head to the end of their tails, and they like to hang out around the rocks in my backyard and on the bricks on the house, but I see them all over town - parking lots, on the sides of buildings, rummaging around rocks and stuff. Anyone know what species they are?|||I live in Tucson, too. The ones that hang around my house (all over my porch) are Geckos. I love them, they're so little and cute. Like these ones鈥?/a> or this one鈥?/a>

There's also tons of lizards running all over the neighborhood that I would call "regular lizards", but they do have real names, like Tree Lizard鈥?/a> Greater Earless Lizard鈥?/a> and the Side-Blotched Lizard鈥?/a> Everytime I take my dog for a walk, we see at least 10 lizards run across the sidewalk in front of us. I'm pretty sure most are Tree Lizards or Greater Earless Lizards.

The other day I saw a Spiny Lizard across the street. That was the first time I had seen one of those.鈥?/a>

We also once saw a Horned Lizard near the wash by our home. Stay away from these, they squirt blood from their eyes to ward off predators (or people or dogs)!鈥?/a>

On the outskirts of the city, you may also see Gila Monsters, which are venomous, so don't go near them!鈥?/a>

I love lizards...I think they're so cute and cool. Pretty much all the ones that might be hanging around your house are harmless to you, and eat the bugs that might bother you. They're good to have around...My friend told me recently she kills lizards when she finds them in her house, and I was appalled. I'm more likely to pet them.|||From your description, they are most likely the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana, a close relative of the fence lizards. BTW, the geckos are strictly nocturnal, so it is extremely unlikely that you saw geckos running around during the day.鈥?/a>|||Short-Horned Lizard鈥?/a>


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