Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I wonder if Giffords were a Republican, if Boehner would attend.

The man is so hyper-partisan and twisted that as House Speaker he can't attend a formal memorial because he wants to help raise money for a GOP candidate vying for the RNC position.|||.... He's just showing us his true priorities. Just like when Obama wanted to talk with him about how they could work together to help the country, and Boehner blew him off saying he was too busy. Just like he only cries when talking about himself. Others don't matter to him.|||I have four answers:
one... he has respect for the grieving process and did not want to support glorification of the actof murder...
two... he was involved with the ceremonies in washington and gave support to the repudiation of the dasterdly deed.
three... I saw senator mccain and the sitting govenor of arizona there... both republicans and from the state...
four... he did not want to make a circus like obama did... a horrid example of political pandering...|||If he went he would have been accused of politicizing the event. Heck, ABC and CBS are pontificating about Palin "made herself part of the story" and how she is "playing the victim card" by defending herself. These are the people who dragged her into this story in the first place.

*|||Unfathomable. To not attend a memorial for the victims of an assassination attempt of a representative, critically injured, of the House you preside over. What an abject start to his new position.|||I asked the same question. I understand not going, I don't understand opting to attend a fundraiser instead. Honestly, it seemed like a very rude thing to do.|||Money, lobbyists, and partying. Looks like the GOP are right back to business as usual.

After all, two of them were too busy partying at a fundraiser with lobbyists to even get sworn in!|||(crickets chirping)|||One would think that a man with that much power could reschedule the caterers for the next night .|||b/c unlike Democrat we don't make tragedy into a fundraiser like Obama|||He must have given his word to attend the other event first|||and that's their leader...sad, so sad.|||with cons, it's all about the money|||I was going to respond to your source but you didnt have one. Nice try


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