Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Afterall, they claim that doing drugs has no consequences, and it has already been shown the guy was a pot head.|||Wait, what?|||This is stupid, every crack addict is a pothead too...but not every pot head is a crack addict. There are millions of positive members of society who are pot smokers, its most likely that you encounter them everyday but you don't know about it and don't even imagine.|||Proves just the opposite! He was a confessed Pot Head and we see the results--and if that is not enough--we now have 27 more murders in Mexico today and the day is not over yet.
Yep , Drugs have no adverse consequences--unless you are a human!|||So of course it was the pot that caused him to kill, never mind the millions of people who smoke pot regularly and have never killed anybody or committed any other crimes.|||Liberal, leftists, pot heads should be outlawed.|||Just as soon as everything he ever did or said is outlawed.|||No, but being a pot head lib should be grounds for refusing a gun sale to that individual.|||NO, it proves he is a nut cake. I feel for all those families.|||you make no sence. how does a pot head killer promote legalized weed?|||I bet he ate bread and drank milk too. Should we ban those?


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