Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Like Bowling for Columbine. Where the shooters were the victims of an oppressive society of soccer moms.

What can he do to make Jared, one his own idealogs, into a puppet of right wing vitriol and turn this whole story into a positive for the democrats?|||He really already done that via his Columbine drama. Lesse he has done hit pieces on corporations, the second amendment, health care, 911 truthers, whatever dude, where's my country was about so what does he have left?

How about a slanted media bias "expose"? Or Islamophobia? Or homophobia? Or financial redistribution and its benefits? Or slavery reparations? Oh well, you know he is capable of making and manipulating "facts" to produce a propaganda flick to further enrich himself and to be hailed as a patriot by the far left.|||he is a good movie-maker. You have to admire his movie-making skills. Cons are not even capable of making any kind of video. They will be more interested to see if camcorder is made in china or not, but would not go ahead to push the start button|||Right wing vitriol always ends up being a positive for my fellow Democrats. I'd like to thank you for your frequent and reliable contributions.|||i dont care ,moore is a liberal fool that pretends that he cares about people..
do minorities actually think that he cares about them??|||It won't be long. "Michael Moore vs The 2nd Amendment" should be it's title.|||he's gonna twist it and say theres alot of shootings because we dont let enough illegal immigrants into america, and thats how we fix it|||Bet on it, and look how much he will make off it, big bank and a rich tax cut rate.|||Well, he is an expert at using tragedy to entertain and get rich.|||Very soon, he just needs to finish his ham sandwich.|||He's a first class liar. He'll figure out some way to twist the facts.


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