Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our major problem is not undocumented immigrants or the environment; It is the economy and an increasing debt!|||What shooter in Florida?

Crime is definitely up here, and the economy is almost certainly a factor.|||It is not about the bad economy, it is about crazy people. Old classmates of his were saying that he was the type to one day come to school with a gun. The military did not want him because he was not emotionally stable. If we recognize people who are like this, why wait until they act? Apparently in Arizona, he could have been reported by someone, and the authorities could have looked into it (psych evaluation), but because no one said anything, nothing was done.|||These two guys cold not get a job because of teir mental instability. would you want to work next to any of them?

I agree, jobs are needed but these Nuts did their dastardly deeds for medically unexplainable reasons.|||I agree. Libs need to get to work and actually do something to fix the economy.|||Wow, I've never made that correlation. Oh, wait a minute -- it's because it's completely unfounded.|||Obama is busy sucking up to the Gay lobby.|||He didn't have a job cause he was an unqualified nut bar.|||I'm unemployed. Does that mean I'm going to start killing people?|||What


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