Saturday, February 11, 2012

I am currently renting a room in California. Basicly, all I pay is my phone bill (plus rent). I do contribute pay for utility bills, but the amount depends on how much I use.

I am about to get an apartment in Tucson Arizona. I got two options:
1. 600/month apartment (water included)
2. 600/ month apartment (electricity included)

Which one should I take?
And how much more would I need for other expenses?|||I live near downtown in a duplex and my bills are as follows:

$45/month cable internet from Cox (so much nicer than Quest DSL)
$30-$60/month electricity (I tend to spend more in the winter because I am in an older house which is really nicely ventilated in the summer, but horrible in the winter. Swamp coolers are much cheaper than A/C)
$20-$30/month gas (it is for my water heater and stove/oven)

Water is free for me, but I don't know of any landlords in town who charge for water. When I lived in a bottom floor apartment, the heat and A/C were cheaper because my neighbors helped insulate the place. Generally, if you can make do with it being colder in the winter and warmer in the summer, a cheaper place with the electricity not included is a good bet. However, since your two options are the same price, I would go for the one with the electricity included.|||well get electricity paid so you an crank up the AC. you gotta pay: gas electric, water, garbage, rent, food. phone, internet, cable. some are optional, some not. good luck


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