Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I mean it is very horrible what happened in Tucson and I feel for the victims but hey our troops are putting their lives on the line every day and I don't see him giving 2 minutes of silence for each of them. Maybe I missed something.|||Obama has done more to help Veterans in 2 years, than gw did after sending them to into war.
He has also made it more visible to the public,when fallen soldiers return.

gw hid the consequences of war, and his from it. bush gave veterans 8 years of silence!

America uses it's Veterans badly. They are great when people want to flex their muscles, pound their chest, wave a flag and send troops to war. I remember this country well when "Operation Iraqi Freedom" began. People were so proud to send American troops into war.

You don't want to pay for the wounded soldier's return. When they come home with wounds you can't see.
You don't want to care for them, their families that give up their lives to pick up the pieces America drops.
You don't want to hire them, because you WON'T learn anything about PTSD. You get scared.

1 homeless Veteran is 1 too many.

How many does your state have?

You don't want mentally ill people on your streets, in your neighborhoods, but you don't want to pay for programs that make a difference to the afflicted and community alike.

Veterans budgets have been slashed and under funded for years.

Hate Obama all you like for all the reasons you wish, EXCEPT the treatment of Veterans!|||This is a typical human reaction.\
Everybody dies; this is always saddening, but not always so shocking.
You expect soldiers to get killed; they are at war.
You don't expect random defenseless civilians to be gunned down, for no apparent reason, in a public space in the USA.
From the point of view of principle, of course, every person's death is equally important. The purpose of public mourning is more to heal the living than anything else. This is a perfectly valid aim. There's not much we can do for the dead.
The soldiers do, of course, deserve special honor for volunteering to risk their lives.|||Hint about history. Obama had nothing to do with getting us involved in the quagmire of Afghanistan or Iraq. He is trying to get us out of that mess though.|||with the fact he is a muslim and his family backs the terrorist. he is not a fan of the war or the troops fighting it. it's to close to home for him. he is the face of evil!|||a soldier volunteers to wear a uniform, take up arms, and put their lives 'in harm's way'

none of the six people who were shot in Tuscon volunteered to be killed|||Because hes planning to use this shooting for political leverage. And the shooter was a white christian male so he can be portrayed as evil as need be.|||He dosn't care, he sacrificed his CARE at Bohemia Grove|||Hes doing it for show. He thinks its what the people want to see. I personaly dont think he really cares about the tuscan victomes or our troops...


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